Easton tries to move me out of the way. “Fuck that. He was all over you!”

The guy snorts. “Not my fault she never mentioned having a boyfriend.”

“Because I don't!” I shout and turn back to Easton. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Amelia was worried about you.”

I turn to my best friend, whose shoulders sag as she realizes she was outed.


Rolling my eyes, I walk away and head to the back room to get my bag. When I reenter the club, Easton is there, already trying to talk to me. I try to push by him but he grabs my wrist and won't let me go.

“Why are you wasted while at work?”

“Let me go.”

He narrows his gaze on me. “No. Not until you tell me what the hell you're doing.”

I throw my head back and groan. “What does it even matter?”

“It matters because I care about you!”

“Then stop caring about me!” I yell.

His brows furrow. “I can't! I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop missing you. And I sure as shit can't stop caring about you.”

“Well, that sucks for you, because the time for you to do any of that expired when you snuck around with your ex-girlfriend!”

“You what?”

Amelia's voice is small compared to the anger that is radiating off him and me. We both turn in her direction, and I realize the secret is out. She heard everything. She knows it all. Easton releases me as he focuses on his sister, but I don't bother to stick around. This mess is his and his alone.

A KNOCK AT THEdoor pulls me from my peaceful slumber. At first, I throw my pillow over my head and try to ignore it, but when it comes again, it's clear the person is not going away. I push the covers off me and sit up. My eyes blink open slowly as I walk toward the door.

“Tye, I told you I'd call you when I wake up,” I groan as I open the door but it’s certainly not Tye on the other side.

Amelia stands there with a sorrowful smile on her face. She holds up a paper bag in one hand and her laptop in the other.

“I have ice cream and HBO Max,” she tells me.

If I had any ability to stay mad at her at all, I'd close the door and go back to bed. But all things considered, there's nothing to hold against her. All she knew was that we split up because we grew apart.

I step aside and open the door further to let her in, wincing from the light in the hallway. “Come in quick. This hangover is a bitch.”

She chuckles. “That happens when you outdrink an entire bachelor party.”

“Yeah,” I wince. “I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon.”

“Well good, because it took two hours for me to convince Paul not to fire you.”

Plopping back down on my bed, I scoot over to make room for her. “Thank you. I owe you one.”

She cuddles into my side. “No, you don't. I should've known better than to call Easton last night. I'm sorry.”

“Don't be.” I rest my head on hers. “It's my fault for not telling you the truth.”

“Why didn't you?”