“How?” she presses. “What the hell happened?”

I fucked up. “It just wasn't working anymore.”

She comes closer and dips down, forcing me to look at her. “If that's true, then why do you look so damn sad?” I roll my eyes and turn away from her, but she obviously has no intentions of letting up. “E, if you don't want this, then fight for her. Win her back. She loves you!”

“Drop it, Amelia.”

“No way,” she argues. “You two are perfect for each other. I can help you! It's probably all a misunderstanding anyway.”

I grip the edge of the counter as I try to reign in my frustration, but it's not working. The more she talks, the worse I get, until finally, it breaks.

“It's not going to happen!” I snap. “We're done. Broken up. Over. If I have to accept that, then so do you. So for the love of fuck, just leave it alone.”

The tone of my voice, paired with my words, are enough to shock her into a momentary silence. After a second, I realize what I said was harsh, but before I can apologize, she exhales.

“Okay,” she says with a nod. “I have to get to class. I'll see you two later.”

She kisses Zayn goodbye and puts a sympathetic hand on my back before heading out the door. Once she's gone, I spin back around to find my best friend looking at me cautiously. Zayn sighs and crosses his arms over his chest.

“You okay?”

I shrug, trying to seem indifferent but failing miserably. “I just never thought she'd actually leave me.”

I STARE UP AT the small cafe, making sure I'm at the right place before going inside. After spending all yesterday looking for the perfect ring for Amelia, we finally found one. And while I'm more than happy for my sister and my best friend, maybe ring shopping while fresh off a breakup wasn't the best idea either.

Then again, neither is this.

As I get inside, Tessa is easy to spot. She's sitting at a table near the window with a cup of coffee, already waiting for me. There's a little voice in my head telling me how fucked up this is. After all, hanging out with Tess was almost every nail in the coffin of my relationship. But at the same time, this girl isn't just my ex. She's one of my best friends.

“You're a godsend,” I tell her, sitting down and grabbing the mug. “Thank you.”

She chuckles. “Don't thank me yet. I'm pretty sure it's stale.”

I'm in the middle of taking a sip when the taste of it makes me immediately feel like I might hurl. It takes less than a second before I'm discreetly spitting it back into the cup.

“Okay, that's nasty. What did you do to it?”

“Antifreeze,” she teases. “It's supposed to be a lot more discreet than that, though. Shame.”

I can't help but smile as I shake my head. “And you wonder why Knox calls you a psychopath.”

“There's something about a guy who literally has a handful of dead bodies to his name calling me a psycho that makes me proud. Not going to lie.”

My eyes widen as I look around the crowded room. “Okay, maybe we shouldn't talk about shit like that in public.”

She chuckles. “Once a pussy, always a pussy.”

“How does Asher deal with you?” I ask her, only half joking.

Tilting her head from side to side, she smirks. “I pulled him in with my charm and made him fall in love with me. After that, he was done for. Plus, I'm good in bed. It's a bonus.”

“You're impossible. You know that?”

“I know,” she answers. “Now stop deflecting. How are things with you and Kennedy?”

Ugh. I was hoping we could avoid that topic for a little longer, but I should've known she was going to call me out on it. Tessa is nothing if not straightforward.

I rub the back of my neck, an old nervous habit. “Things are, uh...nonexistent.”