“That, too.” She finishes the cigarette and then puts it out with the bottom of her shoe. “You should be glad you still have yours.”

Pulling her keys out of her purse, she walks over to the Mercedes her boyfriend bought her for her last birthday. Just before she climbs inside, her eyes meet mine and she shakes her head.

“Fix it, Eas,” she says. “Do whatever the hell it takes, but don't give up on her. She's good for you.”

I watch as she drives away and think about how right she is. After everything with Tess, I never thought I'd find another person who seemed to be perfect for me. I might be afraid to say the three words Kennedy is looking for, but that doesn't mean I don't feel them with every fiber of my being. If I lose her because of this, I don't know that I'll ever be able to forgive myself.

After giving myself a few more minutes, I put out my second cigarette and head back inside to rejoin the party. Kennedy spots me from across the room and her brows furrow as she comes toward me. Even with the scowl on her face, she’s heart-stoppingly beautiful. And if I wasn’t so afraid of ruining her the same way I almost did Tess, I’d scream everything she’s been wanting to hear from the rooftops.

“What were you doing?” she hisses. “Kissing Tessa goodbye?”

My shoulders sag in defeat, knowing I caused her to be this way. “How many times do I have to tell you that you're the one I want?”

She holds her head high. “As many times as it takes to make it true.”

And that might just crack my chest wide open.