I pressmy head into the pillow, letting the ecstasy flow through me. It's intense, unrelenting, and everything I've been craving. Easton's tongue works its magic as his fingers slip in and out of me. It's only a matter of time before I'm falling over the edge. My thighs close around his head, holding him in place as I scream out. He reaches up and covers my mouth, making sure we don't wake the baby.

With Amelia and Zayn on their honeymoon, we've had the house to ourselves to enjoy our own. And we have done exactly that. Every second that Kayn spends sleeping, we spend falling back into each other in the best way we know how.

Easton slides back up the bed and collapses next to me, sucking my juices clean off his fingers. He doesn't even try to hide it as he looks over at me and smirks.

“Why are you stopping?” I ask, because I wasn't nearly done.

He rolls toward me and kisses me, not caring that the taste of me is covering every inch of his mouth. “Because I'd bet that orgasm of yours woke up Kayn.”

I pull my head away to listen for him, but there's nothing. “I don't hear him.”

His lips purse. “Hmm. Maybe not then.”

His mouth moves against my own as he starts to slip inside of me, taking full advantage of the IUD I had installed at my last appointment. I groan at how amazing it feels when there is nothing between us. Just as he bottoms out, however, Kayn's cry comes through the baby monitor. Easton drops his head onto my shoulder and sighs.

“A little more than a month old and already a cock block,” he mumbles.

And yet still, he pulls out of me and rolls out of bed—throwing on a pair of sweatpants and going to take care of our baby. I stay in bed and hold up my left hand to admire the ring on my finger.

The way we got married is out of the normal order of things, but I'd expect nothing less of us. Our relationship has always been wild and full of passion, and that's exactly what I love about him. We may have lost our way for a little bit, but we belong together.


I carry Kayn's car seat in one arm while my other hand is busy holding the phone to my ear. The sound of my mother's voice, once again telling me what a mistake I'm making, goes right through me. I understood when she was upset that she didn't get to attend her first daughter's wedding, but when she clung to this thing about moving home, even after Easton and I got married, she lost my sympathy.

“You're throwing your whole life away for that boy,” she tells me.

I roll my eyes. “That boy is my husband, Mom. And as much as I love you, I'm a grown adult and a mother now. I can make my own decisions.”

She scoffs and starts going on and on about how Kayn is going to grow up thinking it's okay to drop out of school, but that won’t be the case. Easton is going to finish first, and then if he can't get a job that affords daycare, he'll work nights while I finish my degree. It might not be a foolproof plan, but it's one that works for us.

As I get inside the house, I notice all our friends are sitting in the living room.

Strange.No one told me they were coming over today.

Amelia takes the baby from me as I cut off my mom in mid-rant. “Ma, I've got to go. I'll call you later.”

I don't wait for her to say goodbye as I hang up the phone. Looking around at everyone, I start to get concerned. They're all completely silent, except Easton who comes over and kisses me hello.

“What's going on?”

Amelia hands something to Tye, too busy holding Kayn to care about anything else. It's a piece of paper, and Tye looks at it before passing it to me. I look it over and my brows furrow as I stare at the class schedule for second semester.

“What is this?” I question.

Tye smiles. “Your schedule for next semester.”

“Uh, what?” I look around at everyone, dumbfounded. “I can't take classes. Who is going to take care of Kayn?”

“All of us,” Zayn answers.

Easton explains for him. “We all got together and worked out our schedules so that one of us is always free to watch him.”

As I start to tear up, Carter comes over and places a hand on my shoulder. “We're a family, Ken. And Kayn is a part of that family. We take care of our own.”

Looking around, I can't even begin to explain how loved I feel. I always knew that I had the best friends a girl could ask for, but it's times like this when I realize just how amazing they are.

My family is not limited to Easton and Kayn.

It's every single one of these people, and I wouldn't have it any other way.