“Are you sure you two are doing the right thing?” Z asks.

I exhale and watch as a puff of smoke pours out of me. “What do you mean?”

“Well, don't take this the wrong way. Kennedy is great. But is what's going on between you two really fixable or do you think you're just beating a dead horse?”

It's not something I haven't asked myself once or twice, especially when she hasn't so much as let me hold her hand in private for a week now. But if the choice is to let myself get burned alive by her fiery rage or deal with the hell of losing her, I'll lie down in the middle of the blaze.

“I don't know,” I tell him honestly. “But I'm not willing to give up until I know I've tried everything.”

“Fair enough.”

It goes quiet until I'm halfway through my cigarette and the door opens. Tessa walks outside and when she spots Zayn and me, she smiles.

“I thought I'd find you two out here,” she says. “I'm surprised Knox isn't with you.”

“Your sister holds him hostage,” Z answers.

Tess chuckles and takes the cigarette from his hand. “Aw, you jealous?”

As she takes a puff and holds it in, Zayn snorts. “Still wreaking havoc, I see.”

The smoke flows gently out of her mouth as she exhales. “What do you mean?”

“Stirring up shit between—”

“Z!” I cut him off.

Since everything with Kennedy blew up, I haven't told Tess anything about it. Whether that's because I'm afraid of her reaction to it, or Kennedy's for telling her, I'm not sure. Regardless, the time to not mention it has run out.

Zayn looks at me confused for a second and then chuckles. “I'll see you two inside.”

As he disappears back into the club, Tessa hums. “What was that about?”

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out an excuse. It's useless though, because she knows me too well. Fuck. She's really going to kill me for this.

“Kennedy found out that I've been hanging out with you, and kind of flipped the fuck out.”

The smile drops right off her face. “What do you mean found out? She didn't already know?”

“No,” I answer with a wince.

“E!” she yells and kicks me in the shin. “The fuck is wrong with you?”

“Ow! Heels!”

“Do I look like I give a shit? What the hell were you thinking?”

I lean my head back and look up at the sky. “I don't know. My head is all kinds of screwed up. You know that.”

That seems to calm her down at least a little. She moves to stand beside me and rests back against the wall, not even flinching as the bitter cold hits her skin. She takes another puff of the cigarette she stole from Zayn and lets the information just settle in for a minute.

“Did she lose her shit?”

A short, humorless laugh bubbles out of me at what an understatement that is. “I think she's convinced I cheated on her.”

She winces. “I was afraid of that. I don't blame her. If Asher was sneaking around with his ex, I'd assume the same.”

“You'd cut his balls off,” I point out.