In a split-second decision, I lean Kennedy forward and climb onto the bed behind her. She leans back against me as I wrap my arms around her.

“I've got you,” I tell her. “Do you hear me? I've got you. I won't ever let anything happen to either of you, but you have to push him out. He can't stay in.”

Sobs wrack through her as she breaks down. “Promise me. Promise he'll be okay.”

“I promise I will do every possible thing in my power to always keep you and our boy safe.” I help hold back one of her legs while Amelia takes the other. “Now, you have to push.”

It's weird, the way it all happens. It feels like it's in slow motion and in the blink of an eye all at once. Kennedy pushes with everything she has as Dr. Gabriel does everything she can to get the baby out. Finally, Ken collapses against me, and that first cry fills the room as they lift up our son.

He's covered in fluid and wailing his little head off, but as I look at him for the first time, I instantly fall in love.

This is my son.

“Dad, you want to cut the cord?” Dr. Gabriel asks me, holding out the scissors.

I nod and slip out from behind Kennedy while she holds our boy and cries tears of joy. Taking the scissors from the doctor, I follow her instructions and cut the umbilical cord. Once I hand her back the scissors, I move up to the head of the bed where Kennedy is staring down at our son.

Watching the two of them, seeing them both right in front of my eyes, I know without a doubt that I had no idea what love truly was until this moment.

AS SOON AS WE'REsettled in the recovery room our family and friends swarm in, all wanting to get their hands on the new baby. We let my parents see him first, with Kennedy's mom and dad on a video call. They all coo over him and talk about how adorable he is, and then leave so that everyone else can get a chance to see him.

Amelia and Tye fight over who gets to cuddle him first, but as intimidating as Tye can be, Amelia is not backing down on this one. She pulls every card she has, including but not limited to being my sister, and takes the baby from Kennedy before Tye even has a chance to argue it.

“He's so perfect,” my sister says, completely in awe of him the same way we all are. “You guys made a really cute kid.”

I shrug. “She did all the hard work. I just had sex.”

Everyone chuckles while Tye lets the baby clutch her finger. “I think this little guy needs a name.”

My gaze locks with Kennedy's and she smiles. “You tell them.”

Amelia looks around, confused. “Tell us what? You finally thought of a name?”

Over the last few weeks, Kennedy and I have gone back and forth on names. We went from something simple like Nicholas all the way to something completely unheard of like Izo. Thankfully, no one can judge me for that one. It’s a name Kennedy was hooked on for at least a few days. But no matter how many names we thought of, nothing really felt right. Nothing until this.

I nod, completely focused on my son. “His name is Kayn. It's a combination of Knox and Zayn.”

The room goes quiet until Zayn lets out a wet, emotional laugh as his head drops. “You named your kid after me?”

“You say that like it's a crazy thing to do,” I say simply. “The two of you saved my life, you especially. I can't think of anyone more worthy of my son being named after.”

It takes a lot for Zayn to get choked up, but as I watch him press his fist to his mouth, I can see it. He stands up and waves me over to him.

“Come here, man.”

We wrap our arms around each other and pound each other's backs, swallowing down our emotions so we don't look like a pair of pussies. When we separate, I notice the girls all sporting tearful eyes—always the sentimental ones.

“Kayn Donovan,” Amelia says softly as she stares down at him. “I love it.”

Carter snorts. “It's great and all, but let me tell you something—Knox really doesn't need that ego boost.”

We all look at each other as the reality sinks in.

Shit, he may have a point.