Why am I the only one still grieving?

I use the back of my hand to wipe my eyes and look down at the diary that rests in my lap. Over the last almost two years, the only thing I've wanted is to feel close to her again. To feel that connection we once had. And something tells me it's no coincidence that of all her belongings, this is the thing that ended up in my stuff.

Taking a deep breath, I open it up and read the first page.

Dear Diary,

I can't believe it. We're finally in college! Don't get me wrong, my parents' house was fantastic, and the parties we threw there were always ones for the memory books. But this place...it's just incredible. Tyeler doesn't look nearly excited as I am, but I know that's just how she is. I'm lucky to have her here with me. She's the one person I know I can count on, no matter what. It's like having my own personal bodyguard that looks great in Versace.

I can't imagine anyone else I'd want to experience all this with but her.

Time to go explore Tallahassee.



The entry is sealedwith a kiss mark beside her name in her favorite red lipstick. I run my finger across it and can picture her holding the book in her hands and pressing her lips to it. It's a bittersweet feeling, knowing she's gone but still feeling the love that she felt for me.

One more tear slides down my cheek as I hold the diary to my chest.

"I'm going to make you so proud," I whisper.

And that's a promise I fully intend on keeping.

NOAH WALKS BEHIND ME,looking like he came out of a goddamn James Bond film. As soon as I came outside and saw him dressed like that, I nearly lost it. A part of me even considered calling Kennedy and having her come with me instead, but I don't trust her enough not to give Carter the heads-up.

"I cannot believe you decided to dress like a damn secret agent," I say with a snort.

He groans. "You said you needed help with a covert operation. Honestly, I was expecting to bury a dead body."

"It's the middle of the day," I say exasperatedly. "And I'm like five foot nothing and 110 pounds. Do I actually look like I could kill someone?"



"One hundred percent," he confirms. "I mean, I'm afraid of you. You're little, but you're dangerous."

I purse my lips as we reach the top of the stairs and stop for a second. "Good to know."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "So, what exactly are we doing here then?"

We get up to Carter's dorm room door, and I look around to make sure no one is watching.

"You are keeping an eye out."

I drop down to my knees in front of the door, taking a bobby pin out of my hair and a paper clip from my pocket. As I start to get to work on the lock, Noah snorts.

"Of course you know how to pick locks," he says. "Why am I not surprised?"

Standing up, I push the door open and smile. "It's a useful skill."

Earlier today, I ran into Mason, who mentioned something about football practice today. Then, as if fate is entirely on my side, Kennedy was complaining about the sweet date Jace is taking Paige on and how Easton never does that stuff for her anymore. I feel sorry for her. I mean, the girl is gorgeous and has a golden personality. If Easton doesn't appreciate that, he's an idiot. But still, I wouldn't be me if I didn't take advantage of the information she just happened to let slip.

Noah follows me into Carter and Jace's dorm, and I quietly shut the door behind us. Looking around, it's honestly a lot neater than I thought it would be—though I'm assuming that has more to do with Paige than anything. Even in Florida, they had someone who came and cleaned their penthouse every morning.

"So, what exactly are we doing here?"