After talking to Paige last night, I feel a lot calmer. She always seems to have that effect on me. Even when I was at my lowest, she somehow managed to pull me back. The truth is I need her, and I don't care who knows it.

The prosecution stands up and announces they are going to call their first witness. "The prosecution would like to call Miss Tyeler Morgan to the witness stand."

My eyes widen, and I whip around to look at Carter, only to see that his are the same.

Tye stands up from beside Davianna's parents and makes her way to the front of the courtroom. Her light pink hair somehow looks classy, paired with a solid black pantsuit, but I've seen that girl at parties. She might look sweet and innocent, but she could drink any man in this place under the table.

She takes her place on the witness stand and the bailiff approaches her. With her right hand on the Bible, she swears in and then sits down. The prosecution stands to examine their witness.

"Can you please state your full name for the record?" he asks.

Tye leans up to the microphone. "Mercedez Tyeler Morgan, but I go by my middle name."

"And Miss Morgan, what was your connection to the victim?"

"Davianna was my best friend."

The lead prosecutor paces around the front of the room. "Did you two know each other long?"

She nods. "Since we were little. Her parents were close with mine before they died. We grew up like sisters."

"So, you two decided to go to college together?"

"That's correct."

"And when was it that you and the victim met the defendant?"

Tye glances over at me but quickly looks away. "It was August of 2018."

"Walk me through that night."

"Davi and I were at a party, just having fun like everyone does the first week of school, and Carter showed up with Jace. Everyone already knew who they were, because two boys don't come to this area and buy a penthouse with it going unnoticed.

"I told Davi to leave them alone. For some reason they just seemed like bad news to me. But she didn't care. She thought Carter was really hot and wanted to talk to him."

The prosecutor listens carefully, even though I'm sure he already knows the answers to his questions. "Did Miss Sorrentino approach Mr. Trayland or was it the other way around?"

"No, she approached him."

"And how was Mr. London during this first encounter?"

She shrugs. "He was fine. Friendly. Didn't really set off any red flags."

Walking over to the desk, he picks up a piece of paper. "But he wasn't always friendly, was he?"

"At first, he was, but after a while no."

He places the page in front of her. "Do you recognize this thread of text messages?"

She swallows. "I do."

"Can you please describe it?"

"It's a text message between Jace and me. He was mad because Davi came over and got Carter to ditch Jace to be with her.”

"And please tell the court what Mr. London said to you about Miss Sorrentino."

I can't help but notice the way Tye looks uncomfortable, and I start to wonder if she was coerced into being on the stand in the first place, but there isn't much we can do about it.