She looks me in the eyes, and I watch some of the tension drain as her shoulders settle. Taking a step forward, she grips the bottom of my T-shirt and bites her lip.

"I should just leave him," she whispers. "Then the two of us could be together. We could be so happy."

The way she's staring up at me is like she's begging to be kissed. Her plump lips are right there, and so much of me wants to press my own against them, but I can't. Reluctantly, I grab her wrists and remove her hold.

"You know that can't happen," I tell her softly and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "I can't do that to him."

It happens so fast I don't even have a chance to stop it. Her brows knit together, and her jaw locks as she winds up and slaps me right across the face. I grip my cheek and stretch my jaw out. She steps away and pulls at her long, brown hair.

"It's not like he actually loves me," she shouts. "He doesn't want me. He wants Tye. I'm just the girl he knocked up and got stuck with."

I sigh. "Dav, that's not true."

"Bullshit, it's not." Turning around, she starts walking around the roof. "He only proposed because he was afraid my dad would kill him if he hadn't."

"Would he have?"

She glances back at me and smirks with a shrug. "Probably."

I look out at all the lights you can see from up here, and remember why I've always loved this roof. I found it while I was at a dorm party here and needed some fresh air. It's so peaceful and serene.

The sound of someone opening a flask catches my attention, and I turn my head to see Davi bringing it to her mouth and starting to chug. I exhale as I walk over and try to take it from her, but as I reach for it, she pulls away.

"Davi, give me the flask."

She gives me a dirty look, the kind that's intensified when she's drunk. "No."

I try to reach for it again, but she keeps it right out of my grasp. "You shouldn't be drinking. It's not good for the baby."

"You know what's not good for the baby?" Walking away and over to the edge, she huffs. "A dad that doesn't want it."

She steps up onto the ledge and immediately wobbles. I go to catch her, but as she finds her balance, she giggles. I grit my teeth at how drunk she is, especially while pregnant, and try to reason with her.

"All right, come down from there," I tell her.

Instead of listening to me, she looks down at the ground and pours some of the alcohol over the edge—laughing as the liquid hits someone in the head.

"Hey!" the girl yells.

Davianna cackles drunkenly. "I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not."

"Crazy bitch."

"Dav, seriously. Get off the edge," I demand.

She rolls her eyes. "Ugh, you're so much less fun than Carter. Come on, Jace. Walk on the wild side a little. It's a lot more fun over here."

Without a care in the world, she starts to hum the tune to “Isn't She Lovely” and dances on the ledge. A part of me knows I should get her down. It's too dangerous, especially in her condition, but I'm too lost in how beautiful she is. The way the moonlight hits her. The way she outshines all the lights off in the distance.

It all happens in a second. She spins around and her footing slips. With eyes locked on mine and a look of horror on her face, she starts to fall backward.

"No!" I scream, lunging for her, but it's too late.

I lean over the edge and watch helplessly as Davianna free-falls all the way to the ground, hitting the pavement hard enough for the sound to echo through the open courtyard.

People start to crowd around, covering their mouths and looking at the fallen princess. Carter steps out from the darkness and stares at Davi before turning his attention to the roof.

His gaze meets mine, and everything inside me dies right along with her.