"You're dead," I breathe. "We were up here, and you died."

Her smile turns to a sad one, and she looks away. "I know."

"Davi, I'm being charged with your murder."

She nods, keeping her eyes focused on the ground in front of us. "I know."

I grip my hair and try to get myself out of this nightmare, but it's no use. I'm stuck. "We were on this roof, and you..."

"I what, Jace?"

The words won't come. They can't. For the same reason I haven't been able to speak about it, I can't even say it here, in some alternate version of reality inside my head.

"No." I start to panic and stand up. "This isn't real. Why won't you just leave me alone?"

She gets up to follow me. "I'm not real. I'm in your head. So why don't you ask yourself that?"

"I just want it to stop."

"It can't. Not until you admit what happened."

I shake my head rapidly. "No."

"What happened, Jace? What happened that night?"

"I said no!" I roar, but instead of being scared, she just smirks.

I watch as she walks over to the edge of the roof and jumps up onto the ledge, walking it like a tightrope. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm not doing anything to you," she answers. "I'm not even really here."

"Stop fucking with me, Davianna!" I take a few steps closer to the edge, where she's not-so-skillfully dancing on the line of danger. "Why won't you just leave me alone? I've been trying to move on."

A cynical laugh echoes into the air. "With Paige. I know." She rolls her eyes. "That girl irritates the shit out of me. She's so goddamn needy."

"Don't talk about her like that. You don't even know her."

"Oh, but I do," she teases. "I'm in your head, remember? I know everything there is to know about her. Like the way she looks when she sleeps, and your fears of her leaving when she knows what a shitty person you really are. And she will, Jace. She's going to leave."

"Shut up."

Throwing her head back, she cackles evilly. "When are you just going to accept it? You should've been the one to die that night. Not me. You."

"Stop talking. Stop fucking talking!" My patience is running thin with every word she says.

She spins around, almost falling right off the side of the building, but catches herself. "Not until you face the facts."

I'm trying everything I can to force myself awake, but I just can't seem to escape. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!"

"I told you," she says, bending down until she's eye level with me. "Face it, Jace. I'm all you have. You're. Stuck. With. Me."

My anger and panic takes over, and before I know it, I snap. "I said stop talking!"

As if I'm not able to control my own body, my hands fly out, and before I know it, Davianna is gone—plummeting down until she's nothing but a stain on the pavement.

I jolt awake, gasping for air and gripping anything near me for a sense of reality. Every time I dream of her, it feels so goddamn real, and I lose my ability to breathe. It's like she's always there. Always trying to get under my skin. Always trying to make me suffer for what I did.

Doesn't she know I hate myself enough as it is?