And he’s right, she is definitely worse.

Tyeler Morgan was Davianna's best friend, and a total fucking firecracker. I literally watched the girl make a grown man cry before. She's absolutely ruthless. I mean, Carter is a hard dude to make tear up, but she managed. I also witnessed her knee a bouncer in the balls because she said he touched her boob while carrying her out of a club one night.

Needless to say, she makes Paige look like a goddamn angel.

I finish making the pancakes and toss a couple on a plate for Carter. The smart-ass looks at it like it very well might be poisoned, but he eats them anyway. At least one of us can cook something halfway decent. If the whole world went on lockdown for some absurd reason, we would both be fucked. You can only live for so l

ong on Hot Pockets and sandwiches.

Setting up the tray all nice, I pour a glass of orange juice and even draw a heart in the syrup like some kind of sappy bitch. Thankfully, Carter is too busy picking apart his pancakes like they're a science experiment to notice. Otherwise, I would never live it down.

The sound of the bedroom door opening causes Paige to stir awake, and when she sees me standing there, she looks shocked that I'm even up and walking around before her. She sits up in bed and ties her hair back as I put the tray in front of her.

"Good morning."

She smiles at me. "Good morning." Looking down at the tray, she looks a little confused. "You look like you’re feeling better. You made this?"

"A lot better. And yes, but I promise, I followed all the directions on Google."

That manages to pull a laugh out of her. "You had to Google how to make pancakes?"

I narrow my eyes at her playfully. "Shut up and eat before I give it to Carter."

"Carter is afraid to eat the ones he has," he calls from the kitchen.

Shaking my head, I groan. "The two of you are impossible."

Paige chuckles softly. "I'm just kidding." She cuts a piece off with her fork and puts it right into her mouth. "Wow, it's actually good."

"And you haven't died yet?" Carter shouts.

"Fuck off." I reach over and slam my bedroom door shut.

He can keep his comments to himself. At least I didn't try cooking bacon in a damn pot.

IT'S WEDNESDAY BY THE time I finally go back to classes. Thankfully, Paige and Carter managed to score a doctor's note to excuse me, but it was from my therapist. Which means she's going to have questions for me when I go there later today.

Paige and I walk through campus, with her happily under my arm, and I can't help but think about how much I want to take her on a date. Like a real date. Not just going to dinner or hanging out and fucking at my place. I want to take her somewhere well thought out and planned. Somewhere she deserves. Somewhere that will show her that she's not just someone I'm fooling around with. But what?

"What time is your appointment today?" she asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I have to think about it for a second. "Uh, five?"

She nods. "Okay. I'm going to spend some time with my dad while you're there."

"That sounds nice. How's he been doing?"

"As good as he can be, considering. Mom said his oxygen keeps getting dangerously low though."

I pull her closer and kiss the top of her head. "I'm sorry, baby. Do you want me to call you when I get out of my appointment?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

As we reach her next class, she arches up on her tip-toes and presses a kiss to my lips. It's short and sweet, but it's exactly what I need. Something normal. Something that feels so natural. I feel like I can only have that with her. With anyone else, I don't want it.

"NICE TO SEE YOU again, Jace," Dr. Litman greets me.

I nod at her and go in to sit down. Anything to get out of that lobby. I swear, there isn't a single time I come here that her receptionist doesn't try hitting on me. I mean, does she not realize that the only people that come here are the ones that are at least partially fucked up in the head?