"Yes, your honor, however, I feel I need to stress the fact that anything after the incident is a direct result from the incident itself. My client is the son of a prestigious businessman. He went to a preparatory school, Haven Grace Prep, and played on the football team all throughout. My client was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and everything that has happened after, from the police interview to getting removed from the university, is an example of how traumatized he was by what happened."

"Mr. Bradford can talk all day about how privileged Mr. London's childhood was, but your honor, at the end of the day that does not change the fact that he pushed a girl off the roof of a building," the other attorney argues.

Finn shakes his head. "Isn't this country all about being innocent until proven guilty? No matter what evidence is put in front of me, I have known my client since he was a child, and I firmly believe he is innocent in this matter. Even Mr. Jamie Trayland himself, who you know Judge, is a very respectable district attorney in the state of California, is here to attest to Jace's character."

Mr. Trayland stands up and nods a hello to the judge. Thankfully, Judge Higgins appears happy to see him, even if a little confused.

"You're usually on the opposite side of this argument, Mr. Trayland," he says.

Carter's dad smiles. "I usually am, but in this matter, I couldn't be. Along with Finn, I have known Jace since he was a small boy. He might not be my blood, but he is absolutely part of my family, and I feel that extraditing him when he has no support system in Florida and is still going through therapy here in California, is a grave mistake that risks his mental health."

The judge looks over at me. "Is this true, Mr. London? Are you seeing a therapist?"

I stand. "Yes, your honor. I see Dr. Litman every week."

"And how is that going for you? Are you finding that helpful?"

"Well, she's had her fair share of struggles getting me to open up, but I feel we're getting somewhere, yes."

Finn pulls a paper out of his folder and hands it to the bailiff to give to the judge. "This is a letter from Dr. Cassidy Litman, stressing how important it is that Jace be able to continue his therapy." He walks back over and stands beside me. "I can assure you, your honor, my client is not a flight risk, nor is he a danger to anyone."

The judge looks over the letter and then places it aside. "Mr. London, it is not every day that someone comes into my courtroom to try to fight extradition for a murder charge. I'm sure you can understand that. But it's also not every day that a man of your standing is being charged with something that severe either."

"I understand." He's going to deny it. I can already see it coming.

"I could not in good conscience keep you in California and let you roam free. Therefore, my options are slim. If I were to grant bail, you would need to agree to home confinement. You would have to wear an ankle monitor at all times and would only be allowed out of the house for therapy and meetings with Mr. Bradford. Is that something you'd be willing to cooperat

e with?"

My heart is pounding inside my chest just at the possibility of getting to go home today. "Absolutely, sir."

"Your honor," the prosecution chimes in. "I'm going to need to stress that you reconsider."

"I understand your side, counselor, but given Mr. London's injuries, I also have to look out for the wellbeing of the defendant." He grabs his mallet. "I am granting bail in the amount of two million dollars, under the circumstances of home confinement and that you report to the state of Florida for your trial, whenever that date is set." Slamming it down, relief floods through me as I realize I get to go home. "Case dismissed."

The other attorney shakes his head and storms out of the room, while Finn hugs me and whispers encouragement in my ear. One of the officers from the jail comes over to escort me out of the room before I can talk to anyone else, but I manage to catch sight of Paige on my way out. She looks relieved, but I can't let my guard down. This is only the beginning.

Finn manages to get to me in a back room before they transport me from the courthouse back to the jail. I wish it was Paige instead of him, but she doesn't have the attorney privilege that Finn does. He has his phone to his ear but hangs up as soon as he gets close.

"Okay, Jace," he says. "This is exactly what we wanted. Your dad is heading to the bank now to get the money. Just sit tight and we'll get you out within the next few hours."

"What happens from here?" I ask.

He places a hand on my shoulder. "Let's just get you out of that jail first, and then we'll discuss our next steps."

That doesn't sound very promising.

THE TWO HOURS THAT it takes for my dad to get the bail money to the courthouse is probably the slowest two hours of my entire life. I'm constantly watching the clock, the seconds passing so slowly I can see the hesitation in the mechanics. Finally, a guard comes over to my cell.

"London." He bangs against the bars. "Let's go. You made bail."

I jump up quickly, but regret it the second I remember my injuries. Pain so strong I almost collapse radiates through my torso. But I swallow down my complaints and do as I'm told so I can get the hell out of here.

He leads me into a room I've never been in and hands me two bags. One has all of my belongings in it, like my phone and wallet. The other is the suit I was wearing when they brought me here. It's wrinkled to shit after being wadded in a bag. Thankfully, no one expects me to look like a rock star coming out of prison.

I change my clothes as fast as I can and follow him to the exit. There are three different doors they need to unlock and re-lock as we get to the outside, but finally, that last door opens. The guard nods at me and tells me to enjoy my freedom while I can.

Walking to the gate, I can see both Paige and Carter standing there waiting for me. As I get close, a buzzer sounds, and I'm able to get out. It only takes a second before my girl is in my arms. I wince in pain but when she goes to pull away, I hold her closer.