"I seriously don't understand why all guys love this movie," I tell him.

He looks over at me like I'm some kind of monster. "What? Who doesn't like The Terminator? It's a classic!"

"A classic for guys." I say with a shrug, completely unashamed. "It's just entirely unrealistic. You expect me to believe this shit could happen in real life?"

"No, because it's a movie. Movies aren't real, Paige."

I roll my eyes. "I just like when my movies have a little more actual possibility to them."

"This is coming from the girl whose favorite movie is Legally Blonde," he deadpans.

Grabbing the closest pillow to me, I smack him with it. "A girl becoming a lawyer is completely realistic."

He throws his head back laughing. "She did it just to get the attention of a guy. You really think that's admirable?"

"Are you really making fun of my favorite movie?"

"You made fun of mine."

I cross my arms over my chest and pout like a child. "Fine. Agree to disagree."

Chuckling, he pulls me against him and my head rests against his chest. "Oh, come on. It could be worse. I could've put on porn."

My heart starts to race as I turn to look at him. "Kitchen porn?"

His smile widens. "That got in your head, huh?"

"No." I pause. "Maybe, but it's not happening."

"Why not?"

The truth sits heavily on my heart and I sigh. "Because I refuse to be another one of your conquests."

"My conquests?" he says with a grin. "Is that what they are?"

"Would you rather I call them your whores?" I ask grumpily.

He instantly shakes his head. "Nope. Conquests are fine. No need to make me feel dirty."

I go back to watching the movie, but only a few minutes later, his hand rests on my chin, and he turns me to face him.

"You could never be just a number on a list," he whispers. "You're too perfect for that."

Moving in slowly, he gives me every chance to turn away, but I'm frozen in place. I close my eyes and wait for the moment his lips meet mine, and when they do, it's everything. His hand stays on my chin as his mouth moves against mine. It's nothing intense. It doesn't even seem to have a destination. It simply feels like all he's wanted is to kiss me, and that alone makes me come alive.

ZAYN WAS RIGHT. THIS only gets worse for the next few days. Today, Jace woke up and immediately started vomiting. He's constantly covered in sweat, and he keeps complaining that his entire body hurts. I've done the best I can to keep him hydrated, but I'm really worried that all he's done is puke it back up.

"It's going to be okay, babe," I whisper as I run my fingers through his hair to keep it out of his face.

He keeps his eyes closed. "You keep saying that."

"I'm just trying to stay positive."

"Well don't. It's fucking annoying."

I know he doesn't mean to be an ass. It's just the withdrawal talking. But still, that doesn't make hearing it any easier. This is probably why people detox in facilities instead of around loved ones, but we're doing it here, so it's just something I have to deal with for a few days.

CARTER GETS HOME RIGHT as Jace finishes throwing up the soup I begged him to eat. He didn't even want it in the first place, so it's no surprise that it came right back up. We already talked about how I need to go home for a couple hours to shower and grab some clothes, and while Jace wasn't happy about it and claimed I'm leaving him, he agreed to it.