Didn't want to wake you. Thanks for letting me sleep over, and for other things.



P.S - You still snore.

I couldn't fight off the smile if I tried.

Sitting through five hours of classes is absolutely torture, especially when Paige is texting me, acting like her old self again, and I haven't had a pill since early last night. My head is fucking pounding, and no amount of caffeine seems to be getting rid of it. I even consider leaving class early, but if my dad finds out, I'm fucked.

When I can't seem to pay attention, I take out my phone and send a quick text to Paige.

Jace: Please tell me your day is going better than mine.

It only takes a few minutes for her to get back to me.

Paige: I mean, it's not the worst. What's wrong?

Jace: Head is pounding. Massive case of blue balls. You know, the usual.

She sends me three angry cursing faces and a middle finger emoji before sending any actual words, but with every emoji she sends, I cheer up just a little more.

Paige: That is entirely your fault. I tried.

I have to keep myself from laughing, because let's face it—she's right.

Jace: I was being a gentleman. Last time I ever do that shit.

Paige: Your fault.

Throughout this whole class, texting her is the only thing that takes my attention away from the aching in my head. I'm even starting to have trouble sitting still, which tells me I need to take something, and soon. If I wait too long, it gets really bad. Let's just say withdrawals are not exactly a good time.

AS SOON AS I get a free minute, I rush back to my dorm and into my room. Grabbing a pill, I’m shocked to see how low my stash is getting already. I think I just picked up from Rinaldo a week ago. Usually, I don't need to restock for at least two weeks. I must be taking more than normal without realizing it, but I've been trying to make sure I'm in the best shape when I'm around Paige. I guess that's just been more often than not recently.

It takes a few minutes, but the headache finally starts to subside, and everything feels normal again. I didn't take enough to get fucked up—just enough to take the edge off. Paige is on her way over, and the last thing I want is to be anything less than myself while she's here, especially after last night.

A knock at the door pulls my attention to it, and I'm almost surprised to see Carter standing in the doorway. I didn't even realize he was home. I nod for him to come in, and he walks over to sit on my bed.

"How's everything going?"

I shrug, trying to play it off nonchalantly, but I don't think he buys it. "It's all right. Can't complain too much."

He smiles, almost looking relieved. "That's good."

I'm picking up my clothes from getting ready this morning off the floor, when I realize he picked up the note I left on my nightstand. Before I can even try to stop him from reading it, he chuckles.

"Thank you for letting me sleep over, and other things?" He looks at me questioningly. "Other things?"

I gaze back at him, emotionless, until he catches on. In an instant, he screeches like a girl and jumps up off my bed.

"Goddamn, man. You're fucking quiet."

"Or you sleep like a rock. But not everyone needs to let the whole floor know they're having sex in order to make a girl feel good, bro."

He narrows his eyes at me and flips me off. "Dick."

"Honest dick, though."