"Why not, Paige?" he repeats. "What are you so afraid of?"

His lips are so close, only inches from my own, and I watch as his tongue juts out and licks across them. As if I have no resistance at all, it's me who ends up closing the gap. Our lips collide, and it's everything it always has been. He instantly pushes his body into mine, so I'm pressed between him and the wall. The kiss is intense, like it's breathing life back into the both of us, and I'm living for it.

Fingers lace into my hair while my hands grip at the front of his shirt. I don't know if I'm trying to keep him close or push him away at this point. All I know is that I need this, but as we stop to catch our breath, I realize how bad of an idea it was.


I stand there, staring at Paige as she stares back at me. Neither one of us seems to move an inch, like we don't want to kill the moment by saying or doing the wrong thing. I can tell by the look on her face that she wants this, but she also doesn't want to want it.

Tonight, I went to Rinaldo's to pick up some more pills. He wanted me to take something new with him, since he just got it in, and I figured it wouldn't hurt. I had no plans anyway. However, I really should have thought that through or at least sent Carter a text to let him know I wasn't coming home, because I ended up so high I couldn't find my hands, let alone my phone.

Once I managed to sober up, I started to make my way home, but I knew I would need an excuse. I left my car at Rinaldo's and walked home, telling Carter that I broke down and I have to call a mechanic tomorrow. As for my phone, I told him it died. He knew it was bullshit, because it kept ringing instead of going straight to voicemail, but he knows not to push me on it.

Paige, on the other hand, her response is one I never saw coming. Seeing Rinaldo talk to her on Friday had me feeling like I was ready to lunge across the five feet separating him and me and rip out his vocal cords just for introducing himself. Carter told me all about the shit Zayn and Amelia went through with Blade, and while he's locked up, I'd rather play it safe when it comes to Paige. I don't want her anywhere near him.

When Carter called Paige to let her know I was home, I could hear her through the phone tell him not to let me leave, and the sound of her voice already told me she was pissed. However, I don't think either of us expected her to be as angry as she was. She slammed the door shut so hard I swear the walls shook. Honestly, I'm surprised the RA didn't come check on us. But then again, he seems to stay out of shit when it isn't needed—especially when it comes to us. Carter and I are always fighting and getting into it.

"Say something," I all but whisper. "Please."

She looks down at where my T-shirt is still locked in her grip and releases it immediately. "I don't know what to say."

I can't tell if that's a good thing or not, but instead of trying to push my luck, I nod.

"Well, I'm going to let you think about it, and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, I step back to give her space, and head into my room. After all, it's three in the morning. Any normal person is sleeping right now anyway.

WHEN I WAKE IN THE morning, I find Paige asleep on the couch. Turns out I was able to fall asleep pretty easily, and solidly, because the blanket she’s using was on the end of my bed when I fell asleep. I walk over and sit beside her.

For a minute, I consider pouring cold water over her to wake her up. I mean, that's what a friend would do, right? Fuck around a little? But thinking about it, she's only asleep on my couch because she was worried about me. Waking her up in any other way than she deserves would just be rude.

"Paige," I say, rubbing my hand over her arm. "Paige."

She groans and pulls the blanket over her face, only for me to chuckle and pull it back down.

"It's time to wake up."

"No," she whines. "Turn off the sun."

It's amazing to me that she can somehow manage to look this good first thing in the morning, but I'm not about to tell her that. Instead, I wait patiently for her to wake up. She rubs her hands over her face and sighs before opening her eyes. When her gaze meets mine, I can see the moment our kiss from last night replays in her head, because she glances at my lips and has to hide a smile.

"What time is it?" she asks.

"Half past noon."

She jumps up so quickly it sends me flying off the couch. "Shit! My class!"

I stare at her from the floor as she freaks out. "Yep. Don't worry about me. I'm okay."

As if she just realized I'm on the ground, she stops and looks down at me. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry."

Paige is anything but graceful. I mean, I literally watched this girl run straight into a pole once when we were younger. She might not have found it funny back then, but Carter and I sure as hell did. So, it's no surprise to me when she goes to help me up and ends up slipping on the blanket, making it so she falls on top of me and her elbow gets me right in the groin.

I mewl in pain and curl up into a ball while she mutters one apology after another. For a good few minutes, the only thing I can manage to do is focus on my breathing. When the pain finally manages to subside a little, I look over at her and find her trying really hard not to laugh.

"You find this funny?" I demand indignantly.

She covers her mouth but the giggle is heard anyway. "No."