It's not anywhere close to how we used to be together, but it's definitely better than we have been. And when we reach my car, I don't even need to point it out. He stops and looks like he wants to say something, but ultimately just nods at me and steps away. That's it.

I mean, I didn't think he'd hug me or anything, but I can't help thinking he's going cold again.

"Bye, Jace," I say as I turn toward my car.

He huffs. "Oh, so this time I get a goodbye."

And there it is.

I don't justify him with an answer. Mainly because he's right to be mad about it, but also because he's just looking to start a fight, and I'm not going to play into his hand. If he wants to be angry with me, that's his prerogative.

WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN WITH Jace all week long. There are at least two days where I come home to Jace sitting with my dad. Another day, I run into him on campus—and I mean literally run into him—and he asks me to grab lunch with him. It wasn't exactly the warmest of lunches, and certainly not a date, but every day feels like he's warming up to me a little bit more.

Until he isn't.

I'm talking to Carter, trying to fill him in on everything with Jace and maybe get a little clarity, when the devil himself comes over right in the middle of our conversation. He looks between the two of us with suspicion etched across his face. Carter plays it off much better than I can, though.

"Hey man," he greets him. "What's up?"

"Nothing." It's a short answer, and his tone provides no opening to take the conversation any further.

Carter, being able to read his best friend well, gets the hint. "Okay, well, I'll leave you two to talk."

My eyes widen as I look at him pleadingly. I don't want to be alone with him—at least not when he's like this. When Jace likes you, he can be one of the sweetest people I've ever known. But when he doesn't, it's hell. Still, Carter winks at me, and with a pat on Jace's shoulder, he leaves us together.

I try to calm my breathing as I mentally tell myself there is nothing to be afraid of. It's just Jace. Just the guy I've known since I was twelve. Why am I so intimidated by him lately?

"Is everything okay?"

He looks back at Carter and then at me. "Are you fucking him?"

The question alone makes me choke on air. "Am I what?"

"Are. You. Fucking. Him."

"I heard you the first time; I just don't understand why you even feel the need to ask that question."

He shrugs. "Well, I don't know. You disappeared for over a year, only to come back and now you and Carter are all buddy-buddy."

Okay, no. This isn't happening. "Are you fucking kidding me? You, more than anyone, know exactly why I'm back here, and Carter has nothing to fucking do with it."

His mouth opens to say something but I cut him off.

"No. You don't get to say anything to me. Not after that." I cross my arms over my chest and shake my head. "How dare you? I don't know what your deal is lately, but this constant game of he-hates-me, he-hates-me-not is exhausting, and I'm not doing it anymore."

Before he has a chance to respond, I turn around and walk away.

Fuck him and everything he stands for.

THREE DAYS GO BY and I don't hear from Jace at all. It's a bit of a change, being as we spent every day associating in some way for over a week, but it's nothing I can't handle. Carter has tried calling me at least eight times, but I don't plan on answering it. If there's anyone who can help whatever is going on in Jace's head, it sure as hell isn't me.

I'm back in English, writing down the assignment and all its details, when Charlotte taps me on the arm. My brows furrow as I turn to face her, and she smiles.

"Your boyfriend is outside."

Glancing out the door, I see Jace waiting for me once again, but this time I don't care. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Ooh," she coos. "Ice queen looks good on you."