IF SOMEONE HAD TO rank college activities, the parties would have to take the top spot. Hands down, no questions asked. Now, that could have something to do with the fact that I spend most of my classes feening for my next fix and struggling to focus, and all my off time being high out of my mind, but I don't remember much of the classes. What I do remember, however, is this—sitting at Zayn's, with the whole place moving around me and no one breathing down my neck about what the fuck I'm doing.

Carter and Zayn are talking animatedly about something sports-related when Amelia's smile grows. She looks over at Carter and nods toward the front door. Sure enough, Paige is walking in with the same girl I've seen her around campus with.

She looks good, as much as it kills me to admit. Her hair is tied up, and the crop top she's wearing goes well with her high-waisted jeans. She hands her jacket to the freshman Easton paid to take coat

s—like this is some kind of fancy-ass party—and then heads over to get a drink.

The thought of leaving passes my mind. I mean, staying anywhere she's at isn't a good idea for me. Especially not in the state I'm in. It's part of the reason I've avoided her so much, other than the fact that she made her bed when she cut me off like she did. But if I leave, I'd be letting her win, and I'm enjoying this too much to do that.

Instead of taking off, I pop open another beer and relish in the feeling of it flowing down my throat.

IT TAKES TWO WHOLE hours before Carter fucks it all up, which is impressive for him, really. Usually it only takes forty minutes, max.

I had my suspicions of him having something to do with her sudden desire to talk to me, but that's all confirmed tonight when he calls her over and starts talking like we're still the best of friends. She glances over at me for a second, but it doesn't last long, and I keep my eyes to myself.

"Do you remember that night we all went to the lake?" Carter asks. "It was the middle of summer, and Grayson insisted on swimming even though we all told him not to. The one with the leeches."

Paige tilts her head to the side. "I don't think I was there."

"Sure you were. You and Jace disappeared for like a half hour, and Becca was convinced you were murdered." He looks over at me. "You remember, Jace. That was the same night you told me—"

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I cut him off.

I know exactly what he's referring to, and I also remember what I told him that night, too. But I never told her, and I sure as hell don’t intend to.

Paige's eyes widen as if she's surprised by my tone, but Carter hardly reacts. The smirk on his face tells me what his intentions were, and I'm not fucking playing his game.

"I'm not doing this," I announce.

Paige doesn't dare to speak right now, but Carter never has had any common sense. "Doing what?"

"Taking this damn trip down memory lane. It's not happening." I turn my gaze to Paige. "Road’s closed."

I walk away and push through the crowd to get to the front door. As soon as I step outside, the chilly January air nips at my skin. It dawns on me that Carter drove us here, but I'd rather get frostbite from walking than wait for him so we can leave.

Just as I start heading toward campus, the door opens behind me.

"Jace," Paige calls.

I tuck my hands in my pockets and keep going, but it doesn't look like she plans on giving up any time soon.


Stopping in my tracks, I don't turn around, but apparently she doesn't need me to. I can hear her walk up behind me, but she stops just before she gets too close. Even so, I can smell her from here. The same perfume she's always worn, infiltrating my senses and making it hard to think straight.

"Talk to me. Please?"

A dry laugh bubbles out of me as I spin to face her. "Oh, so now you want to talk? It's a little late for that."

"That's fair," she says, nodding. "But we've known each other for how long? You really want to throw all that away?"

"I didn't throw anything away, Paige. That was all you."

"I'm sorry." Her tone is a pleading one, but it gets no sympathy from me. "You can't hate me forever."

Smiling deviously, I stand firm. "That sounds a lot like a challenge."

She looks down as a single tear escapes and wraps her arms around herself, shivering from the cold.