The video starts to play and I immediately get the same feelings I did when they played the other one in court. The tension. The anxiety. The need to run. But I sit still, watching as the events that haunt my nightmares take place on the screen in front of me.

When it reaches the part where she falls off the roof, Paige gasps, and I clench my eyes shut as a pain shoots through my chest. However, I can see why the charges were dropped. From this angle, it's obvious I was nowhere near her. At least ten feet away. There was no way I could have pushed her, but I already knew I didn't.

"Yeah, great. I didn't push her."

I try to pass the computer back, but Wyatt doesn't accept it. Carter squats down in front of me and shakes his head.

"Look closer, Jace," he says as Wyatt restarts this video, but this time just before Davianna falls off the edge, and he zooms in on her.

"Look closer and focus."

Oh my God.

"Well," Dr. Litman says. "It seems like you've got everything all figured out then. You've got your freedom. You're sober. You seem like you're in a good place."

"I am," I confirm. "I really am."

She smiles warmly. "I'm really happy for you. So, should I clear the rest of your appointments? Your dad confirmed today that if I feel comfortable with it, you're no longer required to come."

Six months ago, I would have jumped at the opportunity. Coming here was the bane of my existence. There were at least seven hundred things I would have rather done. But now?

I stand up and fix my shirt before walking to the door, but with my hand on the handle, I stop. "Keep them. I'll see you next week, doc."

Dr. Litman chuckles as I open the door and step out. Paige is waiting for me in the lobby, and as soon as she sees me, she stands.

"You ready to go?" I ask her.

She nods. I wrap an arm around her and head for the door, but she keeps glancing back. Her brows raise, and she looks up at me.

"Are you aware the receptionist is drooling over you?" she asks, making me laugh. "No, seriously. Like I'm pretty sure there's a puddle on the desk."

"Really?" I tease her by pretending to be interested. "Should I go ask for her number?"

Paige rolls her eyes and goes to backhand me in the stomach, but I catch her wrist, using my grasp to pull her into me. Her breath hitches at the sudden move, and as I lace my other hand into her hair, I cover her mouth with my own.

It's not a very intense kiss, but a meaningful one. One that tells her how much I need her, how thankful I am for her, and what she means to me. As I pull away, there's no doubt left in her mind.

I used to live for the thrill. The adrenaline rush. The chase. But now, I live for her.


Zayn's house is packed with people, even more so than last year. Freshmen look around with amazement all over their faces, in awe that they're attending their first college party. One of the guys from the football team stands on the island and shotguns a beer like a showoff. Carter rea

ches up and hits his new teammate right in the balls, laughing as he hunches over and then falls off.

As a reward for taking last year so seriously and doing well, Carter was granted permission to go out for the team. For publicity’s sake, they didn't grant me the same rights, but I don't blame them. Besides, football has always been more of an outlet for Carter. He needs the game like he needs the air he breathes. And I'll be there, on the sidelines, cheering him on every chance I get.

I glance down at my arm and notice the quote we both had tattooed on us a few weeks after the trial let out.

From the playground to the grave.

It's the first ink either one of us has ever gotten, but I don't think it'll be the last. Especially not for Carter. He's been obsessed ever since, and Zayn has already been having Knox teach him a few things whenever they get together, being as he's a certified tattoo artist. It's only a matter of time before I start walking in on Z and Carter set up in our living room, inking his skin.

We're having a great time, letting loose and just enjoying life, when Paige looks behind us and squeezes my hand to get my attention. I look over and kiss her forehead, knowing sometimes she just wants a little affection, but she shakes her head.

"No, look," she nods toward the door. "Isn't that Tyeler?"

My head whips around, thinking there's no way, but sure enough, it is. I'd recognize that hair anywhere. But what the fuck is she doing here?