"I'll allow it," the judge answers.
"Again, Mr. London. Do you see a therapist?"
"What made you start going to a therapist?"
Jace sighs, no doubt remembering the hard times he went through. "I wasn't coping well with everything. I needed someone to help me through it. To help me understand it."
The prosecutor hits a button and pulls up a split screen. There is a video on one side, and a picture of an expulsion record on the other.
"You seem to be coping just fine here," he says. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Exhibit F. Only days after Miss Sorrentino plummeted to her death, the defendant and his friend were throwing parties in their penthouse. So much so, that they were expelled from Florida State University."
Jace pinches the bridge of his nose and looks over to Finn for guidance, but there's none he can give.
"What do you have to say about this?"
> Holding his head high, he tries to stay strong. "I say that everyone deals with grief in their own ways."
"Most people do it by paying their respects to the family and going to the funeral. But you didn't do that either, did you Jace?"
"No." The prosecutor stares him down. "Why not? Too hungover? Too guilt-stricken? Or did you just not care?"
"Objection," Finn calls again. "Prejudicial."
"Did Mr. Bradford ever share with you the police report of that night?" he asks.
"He offered, but I didn't want to see it."
The prosecutor smirks. "You should. It's very telling." He brings a copy of the report up to Jace. "Like did you know that Davianna landed fifteen feet away from the building? Seems a little strange for someone who supposedly fell."
Jace doesn't respond as he looks at the report, but I don't think he was meant to.
"In order for Miss Sorrentino to land that far away from the building, either one of two things needed to happen. Either she jumped, which you haven't once claimed she did, or she was pushed."
"Neither. She fell."
"That's not what the evidence says, Jace. She had momentum when she left the ledge of the building. If she fell, she would have landed within five feet of the building. How do you explain the extra ten feet?"
"I don't know."
"I think you do. I think you know exactly how, because you were the only one there. No one else was around."
I can see Jace starting to break. Finn leans back to where Mr. London and Mr. Trayland are sitting and murmurs that putting Jace on the stand was a bad idea, as everything starts to crumble.
"I didn't push her! Her heel got caught on something and she fell!"
"You were emotional. Your best friend was getting taken away. He was going to get married, and at the time, you both believed he was going to have a family. He would have had no time for you."
"That wouldn't make me kill her! I wouldn't hurt her!"
"How are we supposed to believe that?"
"Because I was in love with her!"