"And were you supportive of that time away?"

"Yes," Jace answers. "I don't think that having your own time away from the person you're dating is necessarily unhealthy. But it's not like I instigated him to do it. I just supported what he wanted to do."

Finn takes a minute to recollect and let the jury sit on that, and then dives into the deeper topics. "I want to talk to you about the night of Davianna's death. Are you comfortable with that?"

He swallows harshly but keeps his composure. "Yes."

"You were on the roof with Davi that night, correct?"

"That's correct."

"Walk me through that."

Jace adjusts himself in his seat. "I was going to a party, but on the way upstairs, I saw Carter go past me. Davi was behind him, screaming after him, but he just kept going. She stopped on the stairs, and I tried to comfort her, but when she heard more people coming, she ran up to the roof."

"So, she was upset."


"Okay, continue."

"She started drinking alcohol out of a flask while she was up there, and I mentioned that it wasn't good for the baby. At the time, I didn't know the pregnancy was a lie. I tried to get the flask from her, but she wouldn't give it to me.

"She got up on the ledge and started goofing off. I told her to get down, but she wasn't listening to me. She just kept dancing around and told me I needed to have more fun."

"And then what happened?"

I watch as Jace struggles to get the next words out of his mouth, even tearing up a little. "She was wearing really tall heels, and when she tried to spin around, the heel got caught on a part of the ledge. She fell backward."

Finn passes Jace a tissue. "Did you try to catch her?"

"Yes, but I couldn't. I was too far away."

"So, you watched Davianna fall off the roof, but you weren't even close enough to catch her, let alone be the one to push her."

"That's correct."

"No further questions, your honor."

The prosecutor stands before Finn is even back at his seat, and instantly starts to cross examine Jace as if they've been waiting months for this.

"Mr. London, you were interviewed the night of Davianna's death, were you not?"

Jace straightens up to hold his own against the enemy. "I was."

"But you were listed as uncooperative. Why is that?"

"Because I was in shock. I was unable to answer their questions."

"Then why did you not go back after that wore off to give your statement to police?"

His shoulders sag. "Because I had witnessed one of my friends die. It wasn't exactly something I wanted to relive. Going back to the police station just felt like going back there."

Walking over to grab something, the prosecutor moves on. "Mr. London, do you see a therapist?"

"Objection," Finn calls. "Relevance?"

"It stands for his credibility."