"I'll do it. I'll take the stand."

Trial: Day Three

Watching Jace get sworn in, I can tell by the look on his face that he's nervous. Putting him on the stand allows Finn to question him in front of the jury, but it also allows the prosecution to cross-examine him. And judging by the happy looks on their faces, this is exactly what they wanted.

"Mr. London," Finn greets him. "How are you doing today?"

He's warming him up. "I've been better."

"I bet you have." Looking over at Tye, he gestures toward her. "You knew Tye the same time you knew Davianna, correct?"

"Yes, the four of us were friends."

"And how was that?"

He shrugs. "I mean, we weren't as close with them as we were with friends from back home, but we had fun together."

"Did you do things together? Hang out on the weekends?"

"Yeah. I mean, they were always around. Davianna was Carter's girlfriend, and Tye was her best friend, so it just made sense that we saw them a lot.

"Did you enjoy spending most of your time with them?"

Jace looks indifferent, but that's probably because hindsight is 20/20. "I did, but sometimes Davi just seemed like a lot of drama."

"How so?"

"Well, the night at the club for example. She was mad that Carter was dancing with Tye. She didn't like that he was giving someone else attention, so she did what she knew would get his attention. She kissed me."

"So, it was in fact Davianna who initiated that kiss?"


"And what happened as a result of that?"

"Carter was pissed off. I don't think he talked to either of us. But then the next day, Davi came over and convinced him that I came onto her and she was too drunk."

"She pinned it all on you."


Finn walks back to the table to look over one of his notes, and then turns around to face Jace again. "How did you feel about Davianna and Carter's relationship?"

"It was intense at times."

"Intense how?"

He rolls his shoulders. "It just seemed like they argued more often than they didn't. She would start fights with him over every little thing."

"Was that hard for you to watch?"

"Not exactly. I just didn't think they were right for each other. But she made him happy at times, so I didn't say anything about it."

Finn nods. "I'd like to reference what Miss Morgan mentioned in her statement yesterday, about how you and Carter would shut Davianna out a lot. Is that true?"

I look over at Carter, seeing him looking really on edge with Jace up there. I can't blame him. This all comes down to a girl Carter dated. I'm sure a part of him blames himself for having anything to do with her.

"Yes and no. I don't think we ever intentionally shut her out, but with how much they started to argue, sometimes Carter just wanted some time away from her."