Sighing, she fidgets in her seat. "Davi was straddling Jace's lap."

"She was straddling his lap," Finn repeats. "In your experience as a young woman, who does it sound like initiated the kiss?"

"Objection, your honor," the prosecutor speaks up. "Speculation."


Finn moves onto the next topic. "Miss Morgan, did Davianna tell you she was pregnant?"

"Yes," she admits.

"And how did she seem about it?"

"Really happy. Davi had always wanted kids."

He nods slowly. "Now, as the autopsy states, there were no signs of an actual pregnancy. Are you aware of that?"


"Did you have any idea she was lying about being pregnant?"

"Not exactly," she answers. "I had no reason to doubt her, but the timeframe in my head didn't line up right. We were always together, so our cycles had synced up, and I knew she had just gotten her period the week before. But I never questioned her on it."

"And what did she say about the pregnancy?"

"That she was excited to start her own little family with Carter."

Finn stands in front of Tye. "Did she say anything about my client at that time?"

She hesitates, but Finn presses her.

"Under oath, Miss Morgan."

Looking down at her lap, she looks so defeated. "She said that she was finally going to get Carter to herself and away from Jace."

"No further questions, your honor."

The rest of the day goes about the same, where the prosecution calls more of Davianna’s friends I barely knew in an attempt to paint their picture of me as a psychopath to the jury. Though the most damning is Tye’s, being as she was her best friend. And unfortunately, I think it’s working.

CARTER PACES ACROSS THE room in what's quickly becoming an angry rage. He throws his hands in the air and talks animatedly as he begs Finn to change his mind.

"Sit down, Carter," his dad tells him.

He laughs dryly. "Sit down? You want me to sit down?" He looks over at Finn. "Everything she said today was all me! Jace had nothing to do with the fact that I didn't want to devote all my time to her. And as far as the manipulative bitch line, he wasn't exactly wrong."

"There isn't much we can do about that now," Finn tells him.

"Put me on the fucking stand!" Carter argues. "Let me set the damn record straight. They're making Jace sound like a damn psychopath. Just put me up there."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so!" Mr. Trayland roars. "One wrong word and you're on trial for being Jace's accomplice. This case is already messy as it is. It's too damn risky."

He has a point, and it wouldn't do us much good to give the prosecution anything more to go off of. I run my fingers through my hair as Carter seethes and Finn looks over to me for an answer. It was never decided if I was going to testify, having said we were going to feel everything out first, but it looks like I might not have much of a choice. Especially not when she made it look like I was possessive over Carter.

Holding Paige closely in my arms, I nod once at Finn.