Page 4 of Broken Reign

We’ve been waiting to hear back from Selena about this suspicious looking dude that came in with a patient about a week ago. The patient’s a young lady who had been beaten within an inch of her life. Her eyes were swollen shut when she arrived at the hospital and they were black and blue. She was unconscious and the hospital staff had to put her on a stretcher and wheel her into the emergency room as soon as she came in. Of course, Selena checked out what the commotion was about and found her way next to the patient who was accompanied by this man who was far too serious.

The girl was in a coma, so they couldn’t ask her any questions about what happened. When they asked him what happened, he said he didn’t know, he found her that way and just brought her to the hospital. He didn’t appear to be in the mood to answer any more questions. Although he was obviously annoyed by the queries and could’ve easily walked out, he chose to stay there. It took a lot to get him out of the emergency room and even so, he stood close-by so that he could watch what was happening.

Selena had been watching him for a while but she wanted to wait until the patient woke up so that she could confirm her suspicions about him with her.

Today’s the day she woke up.

“Thanks,” I say, hanging up the phone. “We gotta go,” I tell Jaya. “Selena caught the fucker at the hospital. Call up some of the collectors, I’ll meet you at the facility.”

The collectors are the recruits who retrieve our suspects for us. We need someone to do the lifting, to walk into places and out with what they came for without being seen. We have different people drive different vans depending on their shifts. Jaya’s driving today and I’m heading to the facility because I’m not ready for people to see me and know I’m back just yet, except for the pimps who we take back to the facility. Now they’re the ones I can’t do without greeting.

I jog upstairs to get changed into more appropriate clothing that hides my face, arms and legs, arm myself and grab my keys before locking up, entering my security information for my house and picking up the pace as I walk to my car.

I can see Jaya pulling out onto the road and driving the van away while I do the same and drive in the other direction.

Chapter 2


Ireturnfromoutsideof the hospital room and wait as nurses check the patient’s vitals and the doctors make their assessments. I had stepped outside to call Julissa after managing to get a response from the patient as she was just waking up. She was still a bit groggy, slowly coming into consciousness when she confirmed that he was her pimp.

I’m relieved to be right, so that I can take care of this craphole, but I want to make sure that she wasn’t just delirious when she responded.

I inform the rest of the staff that I’d like to speak with the patient alone; find out more about her injuries. None of them want to be the ones to ask these questions with the man sitting next to her who terrify them all so they happily agree to leave the room, though some of them still look at me with a degree of concern but I simply smile at them and close the door before turning around and walking toward the now fully awake patient.

“So, she can leave now, right?” the man asks me with aggression.

I try not to snarl at him as I respond. “In due time, I just want to ask some questions.”

I can see the patient recoiling from my words as if trying to remind herself not to say anything as she stares at him in terror.

“I already told you. I found her like this and brought her here,” he says.

“So you just found a random person on the street, brought them in and sat next to them for an entire week? Is that what you want me to believe?” I ask him and he turns his head away from me. He doesn’t attempt to hide his own snarl. A bit disrespectful if you ask me.

“Yeah,” he says with a “challenge me” look on his face and a nod of his head.

Okay, I’ll bite. “Hm, and you’re also worried about her being able to leave right now, why?”

“Because the bi— Lady might need a ride home,” he says, catching himself.

“Oh, is that all?” I ask, looking at both of them. “Well if that’s all, Sir, don’t worry, she’s in good hands, we can ensure she gets home safely. Right?” I ask the patient, and she looks down as if she is praying for a miracle to get herself out of the room.

“Yeah, that ain’t gon’ happen,” he says.

“Why not? Let me guess, you’re the one who beat her into a coma, aren’t you?” I challenge him.

He flies up out of the chair and I hear the girl in the bed start whimpering. “Please, no. He’s not. He…um…” she starts to search for her words.

“Shut up, bitch.” He spins around and looks at her. “What did you say to her, huh?” he asks, flipping out his switchblade.

If I had a weapon on me right now, I’d shoot him on the spot before he had a chance to use that knife but I’m at work and I need this job for moments like these so I’m not going to draw any attention to myself.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down,” I say. “She didn’t say anything. I’ve just seen a lot of cases like these and I’m not stupid,” I tell him, backing up from his knife. I want him to think he’s in control of the situation.

“You look pretty stupid to me, otherwise, you would’ve minded your own business. If you had any sense, you’d let us walk out of here and you’d stop trying to save the day. Don’t stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong bitch or you might lose it. You don’t want to get involved in this. It would be a shame messing up your pretty little face. Get dressed, bitch. We’re going,” he yells over to the patient who starts hurrying to pull things out of her arms, swinging her legs over the bed to get off it.

“No, you’re not going anywhere with him. Rest.” I turn around to tell her and I hear him move toward me, I dodge the strike of his knife, twisting his arm and elbowing him in the neck. “You don’t have to run,” I say to the girl while he coughs. “We’ll make sure you’re alright.”