“Hey!” the customer shouts, pissing me off and I open the door wider, signaling for him to zip it or I’ll shoot. I see the idiot look beyond me like he’s thinking about making a run for it when he sees a few of my recruits with guns walk past me. He decides against it and complies, backing away and grabbing his clothes, holding it over himself. I close the door while my recruit does the same thing to release the workers. We make our way into the negotiation room where soft music plays as a stripper dances on a pole while a couple sits and watches her with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. I go and break up the party before breaking into the main office.
I kick the door open and I’m greeted by guns pointed at me as four men dressed in T.Shirts and jeans, looking like your average joe sit around each other. At her desk is the manager who looks to be in her sixties wearing a corset that sucks in her waist and helps her once perky breasts sit up on her chest. Her skin is reddened by aging. Two of the men pause counting their money while one of them stills with a cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth, halting his conversation with the other. The guns start going off getting my kind of party started. The manager runs out another door into another room to hide.
As the shots ring out around me, I lock into the moment, isolating each of them as I shoot at them. I don’t want to kill them although my instincts try to convince me to. However, I must restrain myself. These assholes will be worth a lot of money soon. I dodge their bullets as I hear them zing past my ear, feel the wind from them on my cheeks, on the tiny hairs on my face. I decide to go for the smoke grenade which fills the room with fog. I stand aside as they shoot aimlessly, hoping they don’t kill each other. As I said, they’re each valuable possession. I wait till I hear the clicks of their guns, knowing their eyes are burning from the smoke and I hear their coughs. I move in quickly, having trained my eyes to bear the sting and my lungs to bear the smoke. I use the butt of my gun to knock them out and press on my wristband to alert the driver of the truck to pull up out front while I ask a few recruits to carry them outside to be collected by even more recruits sitting in the back of the truck waiting to receive them.
The commotion causes customers at the bar to flee while the traffickers stay back to fight. I walk into the bar, standing in the center of the room, my carbine hanging from my hand with its nuzzle pointed at the floor. Around me are my recruits surrounding the traffickers wearing expressions like deer in headlights. They’re outnumbered yet, their knees are slightly bent as they move slowly across the floor swinging their weapons around as if they’ve got a chance against any of us. “Who sent you?!” one trafficker yells.
I smile. My recruits all have on masks, except for me. Another trafficker recognizes me and says, “Hey, you’re that chick. That chick Evelina’s looking for.”
They look at him and back at me like they’ve just received thrilling news. I have to admire the fact that they are capable of finding anything thrilling with the circumstance they’re in.
“I don’t know who Evelina is but I’ll be happy to meet her soon. In the meantime, you’re coming with me,” I tell them.
“Over our dead bodies,” another one says.
“Oh, I have way better plans for you, fucktart,” I tell him.
The front door swings open and I look to see my recruit shoving a man inside by the back of his neck with her gun trained on him. He has bleach white hair, he’s tall and skinny with a bunch of tattoos and he’s also sporting a couple fresh bruises. “Caught him out front trying to drag one of the girls we let out away with him. Name’s Snow apparently. Girl said he’s her pimp,” she says.
“Oh, well, isn’t that nice,” I say, looking at his sorry ass with disgust. “Throw him in the truck with the others.”
At the mention of “truck”, the other traffickers turn to look at me then back at each other and seem to come to an agreement to fight. I mean, good on them. As soon as they cock their guns, the recruits behind them start landing blows to the back of their heads and legs, dizzying them. They don’t give up. Before they can dare to counteract our attacks, I launch my hand forward like a snake bite, snatching the guns from their hands while my recruits do the same thing, wringing their wrists and slamming them into the ground, careful not to scar their faces as they land almost face down on the tiled floor. We pull them out one by one.
“Scour the place,” I say to my recruits. “See if you find anyone else hiding. And get that woman. She’s around here somewhere.”
Chapter 6
Ihaven’tsleptsinceyesterday, I was way too excited for today. After we left the brothel, the men were taken back to the facility where they were placed in shackles, lined up and forced to have guarded showers before they were released back into their cells because today is one lucky fucker’s first day of experiencing what their victims experience for the financial benefits of these ex-pimps. Fortunately for the sorry excuse for a woman, the owner of the brothel, she managed to disappear. These fuckers aren’t so fortunate.
One of the common sayings of these pimps have always been that they’re just profiting off what these women would do anyway, have sex with random men, except they get paid for it. They spoke about it like it was an easy job even though they would’ve never done it themselves because they knew it was fucked up but they didn’t see their victims as people so they didn’t care what happened to us.
Today is the day they are going to take a walk in our shoes. Not only is their freedom stripped away, control over their body is going to be taken away as well and there will be no silver lining since they won’t benefit from their torture. The only thing they’ll have to be thankful for is that they get to walk away with their lives and even then, they’ll be wishing they were dead.
Earlier today, some recruits were tasked with the simple responsibility to hand out flyers on the Las Vegas strip. I took a leaf out of these guys’ advertising booklet and I’m using it back on them. People flock the Las Vegas strip, looking for a good time and when a pimp offers them a flyer for escort services or sex clubs, they don’t think much of it, some just attend without considering who they’ll be fucking, whether the person of their choice is doing it out of their own free will, even if they ask most of them don’t really care, they’ll ask because there’s this moral obligation but they don’t do anything to help. They feed themselves whatever lies they want to so that they can have sex with a prostitute without guilt. Those are the people we are targeting today.
The bedrooms are located on the top floors of the facility. These bedrooms can be accessed above ground. They are set up to create an illusion for the paying client. There’s even a sex dungeon. There are all kinds of tools up there for bondage play, punishment for those inconsiderate clients who like to cause pain while having sex, who ignore the safe words, there are all kinds of toys and role-playing attire as well as ordinary boxers. I have to say, I am a tad bit nervous. I want to get the perfect type of client but there is no way of knowing what kind of client we’ll get.
An alarm blares within the facility alerting us of visitors. I enter a code to access one of the monitors placed all around the facility. I tap to open the security camera so that I can see who it is. I see two of my recruits holding a client with a hood over his head. I told them to sell the clients on the fact that this is dark, dangerous and mysterious so that blindfolding them and taking them here won’t alarm them since I don’t want them to know where this place is located. They can only come when they’re taken. Also, that type of advertising helps us to find the right type of client.
The recruits enter with the man and I prepare myself to greet them. I want this to go well. I am also nervous because these clients will be seeing my face although I doubt they will know who I am since I’m guessing they are tourists.
All the pimps are removed from their cells and placed into a holding room for the client to walk into and make their selection. The holding room resembles an auditorium with clean walls and floors and comfortable seats.
The client has kept the hood over his head the entire walk over to the holding room and he is placed in the center of the room. When the hood is removed, I can see that he’s wearing a big and excited grin.
“You can open your eyes now,” one of the recruits says and he opens it like he is being surprised with a holiday vacation or some shit. He smiles at the pimps who I’ve told to look pleasant since I’ve welcomed all of them with the same warm welcome I gave the piece of shit from the hospital.
I step out from the shadows to greet him. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir.” I extend my hand for a shake. Waving my hand across the display of pimps, I ask, “May I interest you in our fine selection of escorts ready to meet your every need?”
I sound like I work at a fucking restaurant in a different decade. Shit, I don’t know what to say. But this seems to do it for him as he plays along. “Why, yes, Madame. Would you recommend any in particular?”
I could throw up but whatever, this man’s about to help me torture a pimp. I know it. I can tell by his weirdo ass that he has some sick fantasies. I know because I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of being pimped out to assholes like him many times.
“I would recommend that you take your pick. As you can see you have many options, all of which are ready to do all that you demand and more.” I turn a wicked smile at the pimps. I can see fear in some of them as they pretend to smile while others don’t even try to pretend, they’re glaring at me like they want to kill me. I’ll keep them in mind for later. I’ll have my own special torture for the ones who disobey me.
He picks out a beefy pimp, with hard cheekbones, huge biceps and quads. I would’ve thought a guy like him would have been hard to take down but it was so easy.