Page 6 of Broken Reign

“Officers!” I yell and start running toward them. “You just missed the suspect. I started asking him some questions and I guess I might have spooked him and he took off.”

“Did you see what direction he ran off in?” the officer addresses me with aggression. I try not to raise my lip at him.

“Yes, he got out through the front,” I tell him, knowing that Jaya is parked around the exit.

As the officers start running out, one stays back to reprimand me. “It’s not your job to question patients. Next time, leave the detective work up to us or you’ll have things like this happening where you let the suspect escape!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, officer,” I apologize, before turning around and rolling my eyes at him. It’s at that moment, I see the bastard being rolled toward the exit by the collectors. Job accomplished.

Chapter 3


Securitycamerasalertmyrecruits of the arrival of the pimp. I stand at the metal door of our underground facility, dressed in tight black pants, a black tank top and black boots. Strapped around my waist are my weapons. On either side of me are two of my recruits holding M4 Carbines pointed to the floor, standing rigid and serious.

Jaya walks into my view first, stepping aside to allow the collectors in, which are some more of my recruits dressed in scrubs escorting a pimp who awoke on the way here. His arms are cuffed behind him and there’s a black hood over his face. His knees are still a bit wobbly from whatever Selena injected him with.

I smile with delight and excitement as I wait for them to get closer to me and when they do, I remove his hood as if I’m unwrapping a present revealing his face to me.

“Welcome.” I grin, waving him in as my recruits shove him forward and he keeps looking over his shoulder to look at me in confusion.

I walk in behind them and the metal door closes. Within the immediate entrance of the facility, I’m greeted by tall, metallic ceilings, not connected to any floors. Guarding the metal door from the inside are more recruits with guns. The pimp is pulled upstairs to the “floor of cells” where there are jails with metal railings, a few of them are already occupied but there’s a lot more to fill. On the same floor, at the bottom of the hallway, there’s an ice-room which is basically a massive freezer. It stands out among the jail cells as this dark room that stares at the prisoners ominously throughout the day and night.

He tries to resist when he sees where we’re taking him but the sedative in his body hasn’t fully worn off and it won’t allow him to struggle as hard as he might have had he been free. I must admit, I would have enjoyed that. My muscles could use the exercise from being more inactive than usual throughout today.

The pimp is thrown into an open cell, already waiting for him with a chair in the center. “Take off the cuffs,” I tell the recruits. What’s he gonna do? Come at me? Great. Let’s make things more exciting.

The pimp stares me down from his seat as I go to lean against the wall of his new home. He tilts his head like a puppy trying to get a better look before he yells, “You’re that bitch!”

Well, okay then. I know I am. I’m flattered he would even acknowledge that. Thanks, sir. “Yes. Yes, I am,” I respond.

“The bitch from all those flyers that were up over a year ago,” he says.

“Oh, wow, and you still manage to remember me with your pea brain? That’s impressive,” I say.

He tries to get up to come at me but he wobbles, falling back into his seat. I walk up behind him. I noticed when they removed the cuffs from him, he was trying to conceal a lot of pain in one shoulder. I place my hands on the back of his chair. “Welcome home, bitch,” I tell him. “I’m about to turn your world inside out. Now, baby…,” I say as I press my weight into both of his shoulders and lean down to put my lips against his ear, “’re going to be my bitch.” I ease back up and come to stand before him. To his credit, even though I can see that he might blackout from the pain, he still manages not to bawl out.

I pull out my brand-new fixed blade and I test it out on his face. “Ooh, that’s like butter,” I whisper to myself.

“You fucking bitch!” he yells. “You don’t know who you’ve captured,” he says, trying to make his eyes look as terrifying as he can.

I wipe his blood off my knife and on my clothes and inspect it to see if it still sparkles. “Let me guess, you’re going to tell me?” I ask him.

“Yeah, bitch. I know some pretty important people in some pretty high places who rely on me for their paydays. If I’m gone, they’re gonna be pretty mad. They’re gonna come looking for me and they’re gonna come and find me here. You’re not going to like the retaliation,” he says.

I slip my knife back into its holder and I look at him. “Hmmm…I’ll take my chances,” I say. I’m about to tell him what he can look forward to, but the fucker still has a few more words to say.

“Listen, sweetheart, let me go and all will be forgiven, huh? You don’t want them finding you here, trust me. They’re in league with the biggest mobs in the world, nothing like the softies you took down, I mean, real mobsters. No one’s ever crossed them and lived,” he says.

“Aw, look at you. They’ve really got you sold, don’t they?” I ask him with a smile.

“Look at this fool smiling. Bitch, I’m telling you. Best thing you can do is let me out of here and we forget everything about this, I don’t even know where we are, I can’t give them your location. Spare yourself the war, let me out,” he says.

I nod. “Well, I know a few people in high places too. You know what? How about if you meet one of them? You stay right here, okay? Don’t go anywhere.” I grin before leaving, knowing that he can’t walk away no matter how hard he tries.

I walk to the end of the hallway to the giant freezer, unlocking the room with a password. The doors open slowly and the cold creeps up on me before it blasts me in the face. White fog fills the air and swallows me up as I step inside. I take stock of my storage boxes and consider which of my friends I'd like my new friend to meet. Hm. I tap my chin and my foot. It’s fucking cold as shit in here. I grab the box with the mayor who is my most recent capture. He’s reported to be on vacation at the moment. I guess my new friend is getting an exclusive.

I tremble against the cold, rushing out of the ice room with the box in my hand and shaking off the chills shouting, “Whoo!”