Page 43 of Broken Reign

“Yeah, he needed to use the bathroom but we all accompanied him,” she says.

“And you kept your eyes on him the whole time?” I ask. She hesitates. I groan. “Did you see him talking to anyone?”

She shakes her head. “He went to the bathroom and he came back to us then we came here.”

I don’t blow my fuse.

“Where?” I ask.

“At a 24-hour bar. You think someone there knows something?” she asks. Since I plan to go there myself, I don’t want to give her a reason to send the recruits there.

“Nah, if you say he went to the bathroom and came right back then probably not,” I say before I walk away with a smile on my face. Someone at that bar knows something and I’m going to find out who.

I’m hoping that my weapons are still in my car and they didn’t seize them when they captured me. It’s going to be hard to sneak into the ammunition room to grab some weapons and inconspicuously take them back to my office. They’d know for sure something was wrong.

I mean, I’ve got a few guns and grenades in my office. Nothing like what I’d packed before but fuck it. First things first, I’ve got to find motherfucking Snow who probably thought sneaking away at a time like this would take the attention off him and no one would care to look for him. He would have been right if they hadn’t caught up to me when they did. Now, I’ve got my protective hat back on my head and so I’m going to punish him for making me waste time that I don’t have on his fucking ass.

I take as many weapons as I can from the office, grabbing the bag from the trash, emptying it in the pan and stuffing the weapons in there as I open the floor to the hidden elevator, getting in and heading to the garage where I see that the recruits returned my car. I open the door, sighing in relief when I notice that my weapons are where I left them.

Okay, now only one problem remains. How to get past my own security on the outside. First, disable cameras. I do that with the camera in the garage similar to the ones in my house. You can control all cameras by making changes to one of them.

Once I’ve disabled the cameras, I trigger an alarm, causing a deafening pounding noise to vibrate throughout the whole underground area and I hop in my car. I count to five, estimating that once the recruits notice no threats to the outside areas, they’ll run inside to see what the problem is. I take no longer than five seconds to press on my gas and get the fuck out of there, heading down to the bar.

I pull my hood over my head and pretend to order a drink. I am discreet with the pistol pointed at the owner but he isn’t afraid, pulling his own gun. He doesn’t know that I have a machine gun tucked at my side. I use the pistol to shoot his gun out of his hand causing his patrons to flee in fear and his security to open fire on me. I duck and run behind the counter to hook my elbow around his neck, using him as hostage.

“Don’t shoot!” I yell. “I just want to know where Snow is,” I say, pretending to engage them in conversation and as they freeze out of fear of hurting their boss, I raise the machine gun to open rapid fire on his security thugs, killing them before releasing him and pointing my pistol at his head. “Tell me where Snow is,” I say.

“You’re that woman,” he says, looking at me in shock. Aw, that’s too bad. I would have let him live if he had just given me the information I needed without recognizing me.

“Yeah, and if you follow the news, you’ll notice that I’m not someone to be messed with. If you value your life, you’ll tell me where Snow is,” I say.

He shakes as he writes down an address, a contact number and a license plate number. As soon as he slides the note over to me on the desk, I shoot him in the head and get the fuck out of here as fast as I can before someone calls the cops.

While driving, I try the number a few times but it only goes to voicemail. Chances are he’s gotten rid of it which makes me wonder if he’s ditched the car too and chose not to use the address so that he’s untraceable.

I decide to take my chances, pulling up at the address where I see a car with the license plate in the driveway of this rundown house that’s more worthy of the title, “shack”.

I bust through the door to find him fucking a crying woman. He looks up in shock as he sees me. “Juli…”

I don’t wait for him to finish saying my name as I pull the trigger, shooting him in the head and leaving before the girl can put two and two together to figure out my identity.

Chapter 39


“Letmego.”Ihear a gruff masculine voice grunt. “Damn, y’all are strong. Shit! Cal, you too?! Axel?! You got the same call too?! I think they’ve set us up!”

I turn around to see three men who are good looking if you care about shit like that.

“Fuck man, they found us man and we fell for it. Somehow, they knew if they’d mentioned Julissa we’d come running like fucking idiots and we did! We fell for it. They’re going to kill us,” the blond one says.

“I was getting my fucking life together. Fuck!” the curly one curses himself.

Wait a minute. I think I recognize them. After what just happened a few minutes ago with the alarm going off and Julissa disappearing, no one is taking any chances. Of course, I know about Julissa’s little secret elevator so once I learned that she’d been in her office, I knew she’d left the building and I knew she’d tipped off the alarm system. I’ve been trying to call her to get her to come back and I was just about to head out and go look for her myself before coming across these three. And no cap, I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see men in my entire life.

The men Julissa gets all extra over. The loves of her lives or whatever. I think that’s them. I mean, I don’t know the blonde one but going by her description, I guess he looks like him. And the others I’ve only seen once, back when Julissa rescued us. And yeah, they helped so I guess they pass the vibe check. I guess I can look past their gender for that.

At the time they were covered in blood and soot so I didn’t get to see all their features. The giant one's hair is a little shorter now as well as his beard and he's got on a pretty nice fit; loose long-sleeved cotton dark gray shirt and black jeans with a nice ass watch. Simple and clean.