Page 31 of Broken Reign

“Okay, ‘cause low-key I been feeling the same way. What did you have in mind?” she asks.

I had no clue. I didn’t think that far. “We can go out to the clubs if you want?” I suggest. Although they’re not supposed to, it goes without saying that around here, it’s not difficult for underage teenagers to get into bars and clubs. “Or maybe we can take a drive out somewhere, smoke a joint and listen to some music,” I add.

“The second one. I’m too tired for the first. Plus, I’m way too interested in that tea,” she says with a smile.

I fake a grin. “Alright, you wanna go now? Are we taking my whip or yours?” I ask, even though I know we’ll be taking mine since regardless of what she says, I will end up convincing her to take my ride. I don’t actually want to go anywhere with the treacherous bitch. My gun’s in my vehicle, I just need to get her there. I’ve got better things to do with my time.

“You’ve got a truck, right?” she asks.

“Yeah, something like that,” I respond.

“Alright, let’s take your ride.” She smiles at me. “It’ll be more comfortable to lounge in,” she says.

“Cool.” I nod at her to follow me. As we walk toward the car, the closer we get, I look around me to make sure we’re alone before disabling my car alarm so that it won’t go off by accident to avoid attention. I open the front door and unlock the back. My gun is hidden under the driver’s seat. I reach for it and as she’s about to enter the back of my car, I fire a shot into the back of her head, causing her to fall face first in the backseat. I move fast to shove her dead body into the vehicle in panic and adrenaline before jumping in the driver’s seat.

On the passenger seat at the front rests my machine gun. I drive toward her collection point, hoping that her team of traitors haven’t left yet. Lucky for me, they’re still there as I check to make sure that there are no outsiders there, possibly innocent victims. I lay in wait, up the road as I watch, just to make sure that when I pass them, only the guilty will suffer. When I’m confident, I drive toward them, opening fire on them all before they even see what’s coming then I speed away.

Whoo! I can’t believe I just did that! That was so fucking amazing! I’m dancing in my seat as I drive, banging on the steering wheel in excitement as my stomach rumbles. I’m going to need some food after I drop this fucking bitch off. I use my handsfree earpiece to call Julissa.

“Hey, I did it!” I scream into the phone, laughing as my body feels like it could fucking fly away right now.

“That’s great. Hopefully that took care of the enabling problem as well as the snitching,” she says. I can hear her relief.

“Yeah. I’ve got the body of one of them in the back of my vehicle, what should I do with her? You want her?” I ask.

She pauses. “Yeah, bring her to the facility, I’ll meet you there and we’ll sneak her into the freezer,” she says. “And kid? Good job.”

She hangs up the phone and I make the delivery, wondering what she’ll do with the body. I go home, shower and change because this bitch is eating good tonight with a celebratory dinner! I’m so fucking proud of myself. The burden on my back and chest has been lifted and I know I’ll be able to sleep well tonight. Well, maybe not too well since I’m still concerned about the recruit that took her shift over. Add that to the fact that I’ll be playing the epic moment over and over again in my head. But I’ll definitely sleep better with the relief of knowing that I didn’t just sit idly by and let those fuckers get away with what they were doing.

I show up at the restaurant, not trying to attract any attention in black loungewear, a hoodie and sneakers. My cheeks hurt from how hard I’m smiling and I’m unable to stop myself. I take a seat at the table of a very fancy restaurant and look through all the crazy prices wondering if I should choose somewhere cheaper to eat after all when I look up and see Selena in a way I’ve never seen Selena before, all cozy with a man at a table. Since when has Selena had a man? My only true friend is Julissa so I text her with the tea, “Guess who I’m looking at…”

I think I might stay at this restaurant and eat their expensive as fuck food after all.

Chapter 25


JustwhenI’veconvincedmyself that everything’s going to be okay, knowing that Jaya did what she said she would and got rid of the backstabbers, Jaya messages me about Selena, filling my head with doubts again. I have been seeing less of Selena lately and I’ve been so off the wagon, my head swamped with the bullshit of the recent past that I haven’t been keeping tabs on who’s doing what and who’s supposed to be where.

Now that I’m taking notice though, I find myself wondering if Selena could be the mole. I just keep seeing her growing disdain for me show up in my memory in a different light and now she’s meeting with someone I don’t know anything about. Shit, man. I fucking thought that this whole situation was taken care of and now I’m starting to wonder if everyone’s the mole. Fuck, is it Selena?

I’ve told Jaya to keep an eye on her for me but I think I might have to start keeping an eye on Jaya as well. What if she’s the mole and she was lying to me about the ones she killed because she had some vendetta against them? What if I read too much into what I saw when I visited them because I’d already drawn a conclusion from what Jaya told me? What’s the truth? Who can I trust? Can I trust my own eyes? The voices running around in my head are telling me that I can’t trust anyone, not even myself. And that’s not fucking comforting at all.

I can’t bear the thought of it being either of them. At that point, it would just kill me if I’m being honest. I’d just walk the fuck out of this place and sign my death warrant because there’d be no point anymore. There would be no point in protecting and fighting for traitors who would just turn their backs on me for no fucking reason. Those two are the ones I’ve trusted the most. I don’t have words to describe the bond I share with Jaya and ever since I met Selena and she helped me do what we did back in The Berkshires, I’ve had so much respect for that bitch that I just can’t manage their betrayal.

The one thing I know for sure is that if any of this is worth a damn, then, if there’s still a mole, I’ve gotta catch them. Even though Jaya suggested that I keep the information she gave me private out of fear of a retaliation, I’m not sure if I can trust her advice at the moment although she hasn’t given me any reason not to trust her but fuck! I didn’t think the ones at the border had given me any reason to distrust them until the revelation. I think I’ve been just a bit too carefree with everyone and I need to restore some order to this organization.

So, fuck it, I’ve arranged a meeting for everyone here. If they turn on me because of this, well none of this has been worth shit anyway. I’ve prepared the stage before the meeting with the apparent traitor’s body on a gurney, frozen solid and I set up the mic myself. I wait until the recruits start pouring in before I start speaking. I see Jaya, but I’m avoiding eye contact. I notice that Selena still hasn’t shown up yet and I’m not sure if she will show. This makes her even more suspicious to me. The body behind me is covered with a sheet.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed although a lot of you probably have already heard but there are a few recruits missing today. It was brought to my attention that we had a few vipers in our midst, a few rats at the border who were allowing traffickers and their victims into the US for some cash. What is it? Am I not paying you enough?” I ask, staring every one of them down.

They look from one to the other in shock as they try to reassure me that they are being paid well.

“I will have you know that we don’t tolerate betrayal in this organization. If I can’t trust you, I can’t have you here. Coupled with that, my home was raided a few days ago by members of the Russian Mafia and I can’t seem to figure out how they got my address. Can you?” I ask, looking at them again. They avoid eye contact with me.

I continue, “Needless to say, if I can’t trust you, then I can’t let you live.” I rip the sheet off the dead recruit. “This was one of several recruits who betrayed me. They’re all dead. I think I’ve been giving people the impression that I’m a pushover if you’re my recruit. I gave you the option to leave with your life in the beginning and perhaps if you’re honest, I can work something out to have you leave with your life even now but if you betray me like this bitch did? I don’t care who you are or how old you are, you’ll leave here in a bodybag.”

Chapter 26