Page 24 of Broken Reign

He smiles as I approach him and my legs become noodles. I hurry to the bed before he can tell how wobbly I’ve become and jump in beside him. He pulls me in for a cuddle and rewards me with a lingering kiss.

“I’m so glad you came tonight,” he says.

“Oh, I certainly came.” I smile and he laughs.

“I hope we can have more nights like this, more dates?” he asks.

“I’d love that.” I turn to look up at him in pleasant surprise.

“Really?” he asks, rubbing his thumb over my chin. I nod. He smiles. “Okay, so…if we’re going to keep seeing each other, are you going to tell me more about your life?”

“What do you wanna know?” I rest my head against the warmth of his chest and move in closer to him, wrapping my leg over his.

He rubs his hand up and down my back and starts to trail a finger over the curve of my ass all the way up to my spine. “Like what do you do after work? Do you get to have fun?”

“I’m having fun now.” I start to rub my finger along his pelvic bone and along the sides of his abdomen.

“Is this how you typically have fun?” He laughs and I gasp lightly spanking him on his hip.

“No, actually, it’s been a while since I’ve had fun like this. You broke my dry spell,” I confess.

“I’m honored. So what do you do after work, typically?” he asks.

I groan as I’m reminded that I should be at my other job at the moment but I’d rather be here. “That’s classified information.” I laugh.

“Wait, are you like a spy or something?” He gets nervous.

“Why? Do you have something to hide?” I look at him then laugh. “It’s a joke,” I lie.

But he looks a bit uneasy and moves himself out of my embrace. “If you’re a spy or something, isn’t that dangerous? I don’t know if I can be with someone who has to keep secrets from me and who I’ll constantly be worried about or have to worry about my own safety with.” He gets up from his bed, creating clear distance between us, scratching his head. I’m confused by the shift. I mean, my job is a bit like a spy but I didn’t confirm that for him so I’m just a bit taken aback by the reason he got so serious. At the same time, I guess there’s some sweetness in his worry.

“Come back, it was just a joke,” I say with a smile.

“Yeah, now I don’t know. Isn’t that what a spy would say?” he asks.

I groan and begin to get up and get my stuff as well. “I don’t know what just happened but I was really hoping we’d be able to take this further. I can’t say I’m not disappointed but I respect your stance, I guess.” I start to put my dress on while doing a scan of the room for my panties.

He comes up behind me. “I don’t want you to go. I just want you to be honest with me.”

I don’t respond.

“Okay, I’ll be honest. I’ve heard rumors,” he says.

I turn around in a rush. “Rumors?” I ask, keeping my voice calm and unsuspicious.

“Yeah, but I was like, there’s no way! Basically, I have a few friends who work at the hospital and whenever we hang out together, they go on and on about this nurse who they think is secretly a spy or something. I thought it was hilarious, of course and one day, they pointed you out and then that’s when I thought they were out of their minds. I mean, sure, you look like you take care of your body,” he says, moving to trail his finger along my arms before I move away and he drops it. “But I was so taken in by you and your beauty that I had to meet you and when I did, I was captivated by you, so much in fact that I needed to see you again and I secretly hoped that they were wrong about you because I realized I couldn’t stay away from you. When we spoke at that bar, I knew you were just too sweet, kind and gentle. I thought my friends grew delusional through their late night shifts. Now, it seems they weren’t wrong with how dodgy you’re being.”

This is so much information all at once. First of all, who are his friends? Should I be suspicious? Second of all, am I being too obvious at the hospital? Third of all, he knew of me before we met?

“While you’re hammering me about what I do, I don’t know anything about your life either, do I? And I’m not complaining. It’s the first date! But since you want to know so much about me, why don’t you tell me about you?” I turn a steel gaze upon him and he starts to fall apart.

“If I tell you, they’re going to kill me.” He walks toward his bed and sits down with slouching shoulders.

“Who’s going to kill you?” I ask.

“I can’t tell you. Shit. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.” He looks away before burying his hand into his head.

“What are you talking about?” I ask.