Page 22 of Broken Reign

“I mean,” he drags, “I think they were whoring themselves out.”

The whole office erupts in laughter and I can’t help myself, I do too. Now I’m the one choking on my cigarette smoke. “I’ll give you that one, otherwise I’d punish you for wasting my time. We don’t have time for tales here,” I say, forcing the laughter back down so that I can restore order in my office and return to the very important meeting about the new girls I’ve smuggled into the country and how we’re going to move them without some very important officials who have gone missing.

“Hold up on the drinking late at night, eh?” I tell him before my cell phone rings. I see that it’s John. He should be at this meeting because I’m still waiting on an update from him. I want to know why he’s not fucking here so I take his call in another room.

“Where the fuck are you?” I ask as soon as I answer the phone.

“Hey, honey, relax. I’ve got good news for you,” he says.

“I’ve been hearing a lot of that lately and I have to say, so far, it’s been pretty disappointing. Don’t tell me you saw the pimps whoring themselves out on the street corner as well,” I say.

He starts laughing then sobers up. “Ahem. What?”

“Something an idiot fucker just interrupted the meeting to tell me. So if it’s not that, I hope it’s about Selena,” I say.

“Ding, ding, ding! We’ve got a winner!” He laughs.

I don’t know how I came to find myself surrounded by a bunch of clowns. I roll my eyes. “Yes?” I ask.

“So, she agreed to the second date. Asked if I was available tonight. Figured I wouldn’t keep her waiting you know. Should be meeting her in an hour but you asked for an update, so…,” he says.

“Finally, good news!” I almost squeal in excitement but I catch myself just in time.

“I bet if you could kiss me now, you would. What did I tell you? It always works out for me…,” he starts.

“Shut up,” I interrupt him. “This is amazing news but I’m tired of waiting for more answers. No more slow pacing. Tonight’s the night I want you to drag the answers out of her, fuck the answers out of her. I want you to seduce her and fuck her so good, she’s a fool for your dick then I want you to find a way to slide something else in; Julissa. I want you to bring her up somehow. And I want you to guilt Julissa’s location out of her. I don’t want any excuses, I want it done tonight.”

“Well, you know I’ve got no problem turning women into fools for my dick,” he says in a suggestive tone.

“Yeah, stupid women. I mean it, ‘John’, I want that information tonight,” I remind him.

“Man, I bring you good news and you bring me demands. You’re one woman I find it hard to please,” he says.

“That’s for damn sure.” I cut the call short with a smile.

Chapter 18


Man, I haven’t dressed up like this in a while. I think I forgot how to walk in heels. I sling my white clutch handbag over my shoulder and stand tapping my hand against my satin yellow mini dress that flows out from the waist down. I wonder if I should’ve gone for something different. I look at myself in the blurry elevator reflection. I like this v neckline that settles over my not so ample chest with a thin strapped halter around my neck. I think I look nice, I just wonder if I look like I’m trying too hard. Look, a girl’s gotta live. Who knows when I’ll have my next date after this? These outfits only get to come out once in a blue moon. I twirl a finger in the tendril by my face in nerves and brush my hand over my updo as the elevator comes to a stop and I step out of it. I make my way to the glass door that leads out to the rooftop lounge area and take a deep breath before opening it.

Up so high, I probably should’ve worn a jacket, I realize now as the chill of the breeze rustles the tiny hairs on my back but all my concerns fly out the window when I see the view. The sunset is on its way out but not quite as it colors the blues, the grays and the whites of the sky with shades of pink and peach. I search the gray couches for John and when my eyes meet his, my heart drops to my stomach. My legs don’t seem to remember how to work as I step off, feeling myself rock on my ankles, praying I won’t fall and embarrass myself. He stands up to greet me with that million-dollar smile and the closer I get, he reaches his arms out to take my hands.

“Wow,” he says and his eyes don’t shy away from raking over me. He leans in closer and brushes his stubbled cheek against mine. “You’re breathtaking.” His breath brushes against the inside of my ear and I shiver as he plants a soft kiss on my cheek. He looks at me in concern. “Are you cold?” he asks and I’m too chilly to be embarrassed.

“A little.” I laugh. “I think I misjudged the temperature. If I’d known, I’d have worn…I don’t know…more.” I gesture to my outfit.

“What you’re wearing is perfect,” he says as he peels his jacket off and hands it to me. The warmth of him still lingers in the jacket along with that dizzying cologne.

As soon as his warmth touches my body, the shock of it causes me to shudder. He laughs.

“Thanks.” I smile as he leads me toward the seat facing the fireplace.

Soft jazz music plays as people chatter amongst themselves. I settle in the seat and his leg brushes against mine. I look up to see him staring at me before he looks away with a smile. “I’m sorry,” he says.

“For what?” I ask.

“Staring. It’s just, you clean up so well. You are so stunning.” He clears his throat before asking. “Have you ever been here before?”