Page 18 of Broken Reign

“I can’t kill them, Jaya. I can’t, I…I rescued them.” I break. Man, I wish she would leave so I can take another hit. Something about this one isn’t strong enough if my tears can still manage to break through, if I can still feel an ounce of pain.

Her voice softens. “I get it, you care about them but they don’t deserve to be spared, just because they’re rescues. They can’t live, Julissa. If we don’t do something, we’ll lose order and this whole organization will flip on its head.”

I’m looking at this seventeen-year-old being more logical than I can bring myself to be at the moment and I’m almost ashamed, except, she reminds me of myself when I first got a taste of power and murder. There’s a bit of naivety in her words. Despite what she’s seen, she’s still just a kid.

“We’ll arrange a meeting and talk to them,” I suggest.

“No! Are you crazy?” she asks. She’s lucky I have a soft spot for her or else she wouldn’t get away with talking to me like this. I narrow my eyes at her to warn her, aware of the irony that I’m more concerned about warning her, when I’ve got a whole group of recruits I feel helpless against, who I’m allowing to get away with fucking murder and its equivalent.

She calms her voice at my glance. “I’m sorry. My blood’s just on fire going to work and seeing the fucking bitches, watching them get away with shit right in front of my eyes. If we talk to them, we’re just going to put them on alert and who knows if they’ll turn against us causing a war within the organization? We don’t have time for a war in our group when we’re preparing for a war outside of it. I get it, you’re emotionally attached to them. And that’s fine. I mean, it’s good to know that you actually give a fuck about us. I’m grateful to you for that but I don’t have that emotional attachment to these bitches. My emotional attachment is to the mission, to the victims who feel trapped and need our help so let me do this favor for you, for us,” she says to me.

“I can’t ask you to do that.” I shake my head with vigor.

“You’ve asked me to do worse and you’re not asking this time, I’m offering. I want to do this. I’m begging you, let me get a hand in doing a part of the job that I’m actually passionate about. Please. You don’t have to know about the details. I’ll take care of everything,” she says with conviction.

Her offer is pretty tempting although my maternal instinct is revving for me to protect these younger ladies. They messed up but should they die for it? I’m conscious of my bias since I wouldn’t excuse the same from a first time pimp or a first time trafficker and Jaya is right, these girls are basically doing the same thing, in an indirect way.

“I can’t order a murder or punishment on underage kids, Jaya,” I say, battling with my conscience.

“You’re not ordering anything and we’re the same age, so I’d just be committing a crime on my peers. It’s not the same thing for me. I just don’t want to overstep your authority, which is why I’m asking you for your permission but if it were solely up to me, I’d walk over to the bitches and blow them up myself. Let me light them up, please?” She places her hand on my shoulder, staring at me with pleading eyes.

I don’t know why I’m fighting this. She’s right. There aren’t many ways around this. I suppose I could imprison them myself, minus the fucked up punishments reserved only for pimps and traffickers who are of age.

I could probably do a regular bootcamp but that’s banking on the fact that I can trust the rest of my recruits to keep an eye on them and not plot on me behind my back because the truth is I’ve trained them to be assassins and I’m outnumbered by them. While one on one they might not have the same level of skills I’ve mastered, if they were all to attack me at once, I’d stand no chance. This is why I have an army because I got over my ego to recognize that I can’t bring order to Las Vegas on my own.

I look at Jaya, waiting on me for an answer and I suppose there is some peace in knowing that I still have her respect, at least, that she won’t go behind my back, she’ll wait on my permission.

“Let me think about it,” I tell her.

She grumbles but she accepts my answer. “Okay, but time’s ticking, Julissa. Let me know soon, okay?”

With that, she walks out the door.

Chapter 14


It’sbeenafewdays since my talk with Jaya and I’ve been avoiding her eager request. However, I’ve been keeping my eyes on the recruits in question, unable to get much information. In a burst of impulsiveness fueled by the rush of meth, I tried stopping by the border in disguise with the intention to follow all the cars sent through by those recruits but that quickly fell through when I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to get past them without being detected. I sat in my car and watched as vehicles glided on through, riddled in anxiety and gut-wrenching defeat at the inability to determine whether those vehicles contained victims or not.

I really wish there was a way to avoid doing what must be done but I can’t allow for more time to pass, Jaya’s offer is proving to be more tempting with each passing day. It makes it even more important for me to get these pimps and traffickers on the streets so that they can not only work for my money but be seen by their former employers, their former colleagues since that’s my way of sending a message on the outside to the fucking traffickers that have managed to slip on through. I want them to know that I will find them, whether it’s at the border or they’ve slipped through the cracks, they’re being hunted and it will be their asses on the streets next if they don’t release the victims. My fear, however, is that the braindead fools will retaliate on the victims and not learn their lessons fast enough.

My head’s been such a fucking mess lately that if I allow myself, I’ll wallow in paranoia and think myself into not acting. So in order to silence the confusion and panic, I smoke a higher dosage of meth and head down to the facility. It’s nighttime and I haven’t given the pimps a heads up for their first outing. I remember the first time I had to fuck someone against my will. One night I wasn’t being sold and the next day I was. I’ve arranged for them to be showered, dressed in clean clothes and gathered into the auditorium.

When I arrive, I look at them. Filled with the confidence of meth, I’m convinced that they’re all broken in and ready to take to the streets without daring to attempt to escape. Not that they could anyway since they have no clue that their clean clothes all have tiny trackers attached to them, or at least they should if these fucking recruits don’t fuck me over.

Unlike at the border, however, they can’t pull one over on me, because I know each and every pimp in here. I’ve memorized the details of their faces, each scar on their bodies, even their fucking smells and I know how many of them I have in my possession. I’ve also assigned a specific number of recruits who I also know every detail about so if a pimp disappears under their guard, they will have no fucking excuse or escape from whatever punishment I have planned for them. Each recruit has to be accountable for each other as well as the pimps and I’m harder on them more than ever now that I’ve learned what’s been happening behind my back.

“Okay bitches,” I address the pimps. “You’re working the streets tonight.” I watch as shock plays across their faces, however there are no grumbles which I’m fucking thankful for. I have too much on my mind to have to discipline them now, although it would be a nice excuse to pummel my frustrations into them.

I know they won’t do well tonight. They’ll be fucking terrified and mortified.

I don’t care.

I give them a quota that I don’t expect them to meet. “I want you all back here by 5AM, that gives you eight fucking hours to make me $3000 tonight and I mean I want EACH OF YOU to bring me back $3000 tonight. If you don’t, well you’ve been on the other side of this, right? You know what comes next if you don’t meet your quota. Except I’m not you, so you can expect your punishment to be a lot darker. Whatever punishment you may receive will all be thanks to your past sins against your sex slaves so give yourselves a pat on the back. I hope you’ll look forward to it as much as I will. If not, well I advise that each of you come back here with nothing less than $3000. And you have to come back here, you’re not allowed to stay out longer to make the quota, you’re not allowed to disappear so I guess what I’m telling you is that you don’t have a choice but to make that money or suffer. It’s that simple. Understood?” I ask them.

They mumble a response. I pull out my gun and fire a warning shot in the ceiling. “I asked if you understand?! Answer me?!”

“Yes!” their resounding chorus fills the room.