Page 52 of Fractured Chances

I pull her to her feet, holding the knife to her side. I open the door and look around, waiting until I see no one in the halls and then I pull her out, in front of me. I walk close behind her so that I can conceal the weapon I’m resting against her kidneys.

“If you want to fucking live? Act normal,” I say. “If anyone asks, tell them I lost my way and you’re just directing me to where I need to go. I don’t know, make something up.”

We move fast by onlookers with confused eyes and I’m horrified when she leads me to the mortuary. Through the mortuary, there is a back room. She opens the door and my heart drops. There are several babies in incubators and cribs in the small room. Who feeds them? Tends to them? I wonder as I look around. I don’t have time for too many questions.

“Do you have any strollers or something I can transport multiple babies in?” I ask her.

“Ye-e-s, we’ve got stroller wagons,” she says. “Please don’t hurt them. You can hurt me instead,” she cries.

I turn around in shock and confusion.

“What do you mean?” I ask her. “I’d never fucking hurt them. What the fuck do I look like to you? I’m here to rescue them from this grimy fucking hospital.”

Her eyes light up. What’s got her so excited? Fucking weirdo.

“Let me help you,” she says.

“Listen. I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to but I’m not in the mood for games. Get me the damn stroller,” I yell.

“No. Please. I’m new here and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get these babies some help but the authorities do nothing and I’ve been told that my fears are baseless and I should stop overthinking it, the babies are kept here because they don’t have extra rooms and I know that’s a lie because we’ve got plenty of room in the nurseries since most mothers choose to room in with their babies. I know what’s going on but I just feel helpless to stop it. I haven’t known what to do about it. Please. Let me help you,” she pleads.

“I don’t fucking believe you. Are you fucking messing with me?” I ask her closing in on her pushing the pointed part of my blade against her neck, hoping that she isn’t because I could use the help.

“I’m not. You can trust me.” She fidgets.

I don’t have the time to doubt her motives. I’ll just keep a close eye on her and if she’s lying, I’ll deal with her.

“Fine, I’ll take one of those stroller things, you take the other and we’ll see if we can get this done quick enough. How much can they fit at once?”

“Up to six in each,” she says.

I follow closely behind her as she goes to get the stroller thingies because I still don’t trust her. She could be trying to use her head with me. I make sure that I can see her hands at all times and when she pulls out the stroller wagons, I’m so relieved because they’re perfect. They rise on the sides so unless we walk close to people or the babies cry, they wouldn’t know actual babies were inside. We could just be pushing around an empty stroller.

We move quickly and this nurse stuns me. As I head toward the stolen hospital bus to load the kids in, she asks me, “I’m sorry. I was scared earlier so I’m not sure I heard correctly. But did you mention something about kids you rescued earlier?”

I nod.

“Okay, hold on,” she says and starts to run away. I grit my teeth, annoyed since I can’t follow her. After I get the babies settled, I grab my gun and put the key in the ignition, just in case she ran away to raise an alarm and I need to act quickly.

I’m jittery when I see her running back and I point my gun at her.

“Whoa, whoa!” she says.

“Where’d you go?” I ask her.

She raises a set of keys, speaking soft and slow with confusion in her tone. “I got us another bus?”

I look around to make sure no one is coming toward us and then I lower my gun. I swipe my finger at my nose. “How do I know I can trust you?”

“You don’t,” she says. “You’re just gonna have to.”

I’ve already got the babies. I could kill her now and that would be the end of it. My mind’s fuddled and I can’t think. I just need to get back to the kids. “Get in the back. I’ll come back for the other bus later. Give me the keys,” I tell her. I’m not taking any risks with this shit.

I’m about to drive off but at the last minute, I say, “You know what, you drive.” I get up and move to walk around the bus as she drives so I can keep an eye on the babies and an eye on her. I don’t want my back turned to her, just in case she managed to grab a weapon in the few seconds that she left and end up slicing my fucking neck at the wheel.

I give her directions to the hundreds of kids waiting on me to return but as I get closer, I notice a bunch of buses lined up next to the train. What the fuck? My head starts pinching me, sharp pains shooting through my chest at the thought that Delaney who I still haven’t gotten to yet got word of the attack on the train and sent some more foot soldiers to collect the victims. Beads of sweat gather beneath my nose and my stomach churns when I realize that it seems calm. Calmness at a time like this isn’t a good sign to me. Why aren’t Axel and Mikhail fighting back? Are they dead?

“Slow down,” I yell at the nurse before she comes too close to the rest of the buses. “Stay low,” I tell her as I grab the keys out of the ignition. “I’ll be right back.”