Page 16 of Fractured Chances

“So do we but that doesn’t justify all this bullshit. I think you need to trust that we’re adults and we’re capable of making choices for ourselves. I think you need to trust that we won’t fuck this up,” I say.

“Yeah, right. Nah. I can’t do that. I can’t rely on just assuming you guys won’t find a reason to put yourself first and just act on impulse, putting us all at risk.” He shakes his head. “I just can't afford that kind of a risk right now,” he says.

I start to become angry again. “Here you go. And we’re just supposed to surrender our trust toyou, assume you know best and you won’t fuck this up for us too?”

“Well, I am the more level-headed one in the room and I’ve been trained for highly stressful situations,” he expresses with confidence, looking around the room at all of us.

I laugh out loud, not because it’s funny but because it’s completely ridiculous. “You’re the most level-headed one?! And we’re just supposed to forget your earlier display? You’re treating the woman you’re supposed to love like she can’t think for herself when you know full well that she can.”

“I also know full well what she’s capable of and I don’t want to see an innocent man get hurt because she was triggered. And I don’t want her to be set on a belief that’s not true which will only fuel her more, making that outcome possible. I’m not trying to hurt her.” He pauses and looks over to her in the kitchen where she moved to give herself some breathing space, I’m assuming. “I’m not trying to hurt you Julissa and I’m sorry if I have. I am just trying to help.”

“Don’t give us that bullshit, Mikhail because you’re still doing it. You’re still acting like your opinion is fact. Just because you think the man is innocent, doesn’t make him innocent. Just because you think he’s not her father, it doesn’t mean that he’s not her father. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull? You don’t get to say what is, all the time. Give her the benefit of the doubt,” I say.

He presses his lips together and turns away. I hear Julissa’s pained voice coming from behind me. “You can’t do that, can you? You don’t trust me.”

She begins to walk away, needing to leave the room. Mikhail steps forward. “Julissa, baby…”

“Please stop calling me baby.” She shudders then freaks out. “This damned place is so fucking small, I can’t find anywhere to go!” she yells. “And if I leave the fucking house, Mikhail’s gonna have a fucking heart attack.”

“If you need to take a walk or get some sleep, don’t let him stop you,” I say, shooting Mikhail a look.

“I’m in too much pain to sleep. I need some fresh air. And I need to call into work, assuming I even still have a job, let them know I won’t be coming today. And hope the fuck that when I return, all of this has all just been a fucking nightmare. Maybe then I’ll be able to sleep,” she says moving toward the door and Mikhail tries to rush past me.

I get in front of him again. “Leave her alone, man.”

She opens the door and leaves.

“Move out of my fucking way Calder!” he yells.

“Why? So you can follow her?” I shoot fiery pupils at him.

“Yeah, because you must be fucking crazy, letting her walk away in the state that she’s in right now. Who knows what the fuck she’ll do?” He pushes against my body to get past me.

“You’re afraid she’ll go kill the guy? Still?” I ask him.

“I don’t fucking know. Maybe,” he says.

“Maybe you should trust her, huh?” I say, pushing him back against his chest.

“Don’t push me,” he mumbles.

“Don’t give me a reason to. Go sit your ass down somewhere or something. Give the woman a break, for fuck sake.” I fold my arms while standing in front of the door, blocking him from leaving.

He pushes me back in the chest, even though my back is pressing on the door. But I guess that the push against his chest was a test of his ego or something or maybe we’re just too exhausted at this point so our patience is just really thin because the next thing I know is I’m punching him in the face and we’re both scuffling on the floor.

“Oh, fuck no.” I hear Axel groan in the background. I hear his feet rushing toward us and the next thing I know is the room has gone pitch black.

Chapter 10


“Mikhail,stop!Getthefuck off him! Are you fucking crazy?!” I shout, digging my nails into his scalp and grabbing him by his ponytail, pulling him away from Calder.

In shock at my choice of action, he grabs his head and spins around to stare at me like a deer in headlights. “Can’t you see you’ve fucking knocked him out?” I yell at him, wanting to give him a fucking slap up the backside of his head. “What’s gotten into you?”

He gets up off the floor and walks away from Calder, as if he’s still on the final vibrations of the fight, shaking his hands off. “Go get me some cold water,” I say to Mikhail who turns around to look at me like he can barely hear me, rubbing his jaw. “Coldwater! Now!” I yell at him and watch while he walks over to the fridge in a state of confusion.

“Come on, hurry up,” I say to him, reaching for the glass of water and splashing it on Calder’s face, causing him to jump up in fright, scrunching his face against the freezing temperature. “Okay, great you’re awake. Both of you go sit on the fucking couch and don’t make me say it twice,” I yell at them while walking over to the freezer to wrap some ice in two dish rags before bringing them over to them both so they can use them as compresses.