Page 41 of Fractured Chances

The girl takes off running and I stop her. “Hey! Don’t call the cops. They’ll only bring you back here. I’ll deal with them after.”

She nods and leaves Harry and me in the room together. “Now get on up you piece of shit and make your way over to the bed.”

“Go to hell.” He spits at me.

“Oh, you fuckers always say the same thing. Get some original material, won’t you.” I shove his head with the gun. “Come on. Up! I don’t have all motherfucking night.”

“Okay, fine. You say you’re Julissa. That’s fucking impossible,” he says and I laugh. “What do you want?” he asks.

“Revenge. And don’t make me have to start pulling you to the bed myself! I said, go over there!” I fire the gun, into his arm and he yells out in pain. “Don’t get me angry, Harry!” He gets to his feet and I push him toward the bed and as he falls in it, I tell him, “Now put that fucking thing around your wrists, just like you had her tied up. Come on. It’s your turn now.”

He’s bleeding out on the bed and he groans in pain as he uses the wounded arm to put the shackles on himself. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Save it.” I fire back.

“How’d you even find me?” he asks.

“Oh, that’s one funny story.” I laugh. “You see, I wasn’t looking to find you. I would’ve gone my whole life believing you were dead and I’d have been happy with it. But I guess fate had other ideas. I was fucking living my life, happily for the first motherfucking time and there you were in the fucking auto shop, waltzing in with your shriveled up ass to fucking ruin my life again!” I yell, using the handle of my gun to whack him across the face, cracking his jaw. He looks so pathetic bleeding from his mouth and arm, unable to fight back.

“Look at you, you disgusting piece of shit. You only have the strength to control those who don’t know how to fight back, those who don’t know you and can fall into your trap. But I know you, don’t I, you fucking demon! I know you. Do you know that ever since then, I’ve been watching you?” I laugh.

“Oh yeah, old man, this isn’t my first time here. And I’ve been wondering what to do with you. Imagine, I may have even left you alone until I saw you with that pimp-ass fucker and I realized that you were still up to your bullshit. Oh, I’ve found out a lot more about you Harry Burns and I’ve gotta say, it’s not looking good for you. Tell me pops, do you like what you’ve created?” I gesture to myself.

“You don’t have the balls. You’re just a sorry little kid trapped in an old ass washed up body looking for revenge. I can make a few calls and you’ll be right back with that fucker who bought you. Wouldn’t he love to know where to find you since I’m assuming you escaped,” he says and I can’t help the roar of laughter that escapes me. I even start coughing with how hard I’m laughing.

“Oh, you really shouldn’t say anything about anyone being washed up and old. Have you seen yourself? Oh, you poor thing, haven’t you heard what’s happened to old Papa Rick? He’s dead. Aw. And you’d never guess who killed him,” I say, raising my hand.

“And he was younger and stronger than your sorry ass. So I’m not sure how you think you’re going to manage to escape. Here’s what I’m thinking. The only way you could get out of this with just a gunshot wound is if you give me the name of the pimp that stopped by here yesterday.” I shrug.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turns his head away from me.

“I guess at your age, you really don’t give a shit about dying, huh? I suppose I’ll be able to find him without your help.” I smile.

“You think you’re just going to kill me and walk out of here?! If they find me dead, you better believe they’re targeting you and everyone you love,” he says.

“Not if I get to them first.” I smile.

He laughs. “And you’re going to take down a whole organization? You’re out of your mind, little girl.”

I can’t help but brag a bit. “I’ve done it before. I bet you’re familiar with The Wasps of Las Vegas, right? Again, hate to keep playing this guessing game with you but guess who was responsible for that too.” I click my tongue, point my thumb at myself, and smile with my eyebrows raised, adding a comical touch.

“That’s impossible,” he gasps.

“Yeah, sure.” I pull out one of my knives. He’s not playing along and I’m bored of this convo. I get right up in his face.

“Well, as nice as it’s been catching up, if you’re not going to cooperate, I guess our reunion’s just gonna have to be cut short.” I slice through his eye and I pull the knife down past the soft bones in his face, cutting his mouth out. I’ve been waiting too long for this, I’ve run out of patience.

I proceed to stab him for each year of my life that he took from me, each time I was raped and each time that I was beaten to shit. I can’t hold it back anymore and I just lose it. “This is what you turned me into!” I yell with each plunge. “Go to hell! I fucking hate you so fucking much!”

When I’m done, the room is covered in blood and pieces of skin and bone. When I blink at the carved open corpse in front of me, I can’t even see his face anymore. He’s just meat for the coyotes that’ll be walking through the front door I’ll leave open.

I run down to the bathroom and strip out of my bloody clothes. I then run back upstairs to borrow clothes from the closet that the girl wore. I just want to make sure I’m not covered in blood when I get the children.

We make a run for it, toward my car. I have no clue where I’m going to take them but I know I’m going to make sure I keep them safe.

Chapter 27
