Page 26 of Revenge

I nodded, shrugging my shoulders. That was one way to put it, sure. In other words, I wanted them to help me preserve what little pride I had left. How ironic.

Both Felix and Leo glanced at Elliot, and so did I. They needed his final word. After a moment of waiting for his input, I felt the butterflies in my stomach morph into pins.

“You know what,” I said, pushing myself out of the bean bag, “this was a stupid idea. I should go.”

I should’ve known this was a trap, if anything. A joke. Theylovedhaving me come here to plead for their assistance, like I was truly some slut in need of saving. Once again, I was their puppet, and because I’d been trained by their hands, there was no doubt I’d fallen back into their game simply out of muscle memory.

It was sick.Iwas sick.

What happened in high school should’ve stayed in high school.

I put my hand on the door handle and yanked the door open. Just as I was about to step outside, I felt a hand on my shoulder. The touch made me freeze.

“Kat,” Elliot murmured. I let go of the door, and it glided back into place. “I know exactly what you want.”

His hand lingered on my shoulder, and slid down my upper arm, letting go just before it became too much. I turned around to face him, and instead of looking into his eyes, my gaze fell on his soft, almost pink lips.

“Just get rid of her,” I forced out. “I can’t risk leaving school. I’m not running away. Please.”

I waited for him to respond, but a smile spread on his lips. I swear, if I got down on my knees to beg it’d make him cum on the spot. He loved this. He wasenjoyingthis desperation.

Maybe I could milk it in my favor.

“I’ll do anything,” I said, raising my eyes to his. “Just do something.”

He seemed to like what he heard. Maybe that was the only acknowledgement we needed, the only reminder of last night, of our time along together. Bending down, his lips came close to my ear.

“We’ll do to her what we did to you,” he whispered. He sounded serious. Too serious.

I stepped back from him. I wanted to get a good look at his face—atallof their faces. Out of the three of them, I’d expect Leo to be the one bending over in snickers at witnessing our little moment. But they were all serious, as if the prospect of hurting someone who hurt me was actually up their alley for once.

Elliotmust’vetold them. About us. About last night.

“Really?” I asked, just as the answer revealed itself in my own thoughts. “You’re going to help?”

Could it be that—

“I like you,” Elliot said, with a shrug. He reached up to my face and took a lock of my purple hair, twirling it around his finger.

He started pulling it down.

“Just kidding.”

“Ow!” I swatted his hand away as my scalp stung. “What was that for?”

“For nothing at all, sweetheart,” he said, smirking. His words dripped with sarcasm. He was crazy.Iwas crazy for doing this.I like you.More like,I like it when you’re weak,andI’d go along with it if it got me what I needed.

“So?” I said, shaking off his remark. “You want me to pay you? Because I doubt you need the money.”

Rather than snort, or roll his eyes, laugh, do anything else, Elliot flinched. He glanced over his shoulder back at the other guys, and leaned back against the bed frame, giving me room to breathe.

“You’re right,” he responded. “That won’t be necessary.” He gestured toward Leo and Felix. “What should this tradeoff be, fellas? This is a group matter, after all.”

Felix raised his head toward me.

“I think we should give it a minute,” he said. “Whatever it is we do to this girl, it should match whatever Kat does for us.”

“So, we wait,” Elliot said, beaming as turned toward me. “I do love some good sexual tension.”