Page 69 of Revenge

I looked at Elliot. We both knew what that phone call had to be about. All four of us did. They must’ve done room inspections early. How convenient.

I dashed out of the room and as I headed back to the dorm building, I pulled out my phone and searched for a text or a call from Kenny. There was nothing. Not even from Tara. Part of me wondered if he’d chickened out, or simply forgotten about the whole stunt, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I whirled around to find myself face to face with him.

“Kenny,” I said, drawing my brows together. “What’re you doing? Did you… you know…”

He nodded quickly, handing my room key back to me. “I went to your room with the stuff, but when I got there—”

“Oh, shit,” I said, putting two and two together. “Did they check the rooms before you could get there?”

He shook his head. “No, it’s not that. It’skindafunny actually,” he laughed, scratching the back of his head. “When I was looking for a place to hide the stuff, well… I didn’thaveto.” He raised his eyebrows, his lips curling into the goofiest grin I’d ever seen. Made me wonder if instead of hiding the drugs in Vivian’s stuff, he’d decided to use it himself.

“Okay, Kenny,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Spit it out.”

“She alreadyhasshit in her room,” he exclaimed, rubbing his hands together as if it were the most amusing thing. “Like, loads. We didn’tneedto plant drugs in her room. She already had enough.”

A smile slowly crept onto my lips, and I blew out a sigh of relief.

“Wow, okay,” I said, running a hand through my hair. I froze for a second, and then, the two of us burst out in laughter.

“Seriously,” he said. “She’s, like, overflowing with ecstasy and shit.”

“No way,” I laughed, imagining Vivian packing Ziploc bags filled with grams and pills behind her parents’ shoulders to bring to college with her. “No fucking way. This is fantastic.”

“It’s weird, that’s for sure,” Kenny admitted, shaking his head. “She did our dirty work for her.”

“Takes off the guilt, I guess,” I replied, nodding toward the dorm building. “Let’s go find out what happened.”

“What do you mean?”

Kenny followed me as I started off again toward the building.

“I was in a meeting with Vivian,” I explained, unsure of how much he knew about the situation. Probably nothing, considering I hadn’t really told Tara. If anything, he figured it had to do with the rumor Vivian spread about the three of us. “The dean got a call all of a sudden and then pulled Vivian out of the meeting due to an issue with our room. I assumed she’d gotten a call from Housing about the room checks and that they’d found something.”

“You’re probably right,” Kenny agreed.

We pushed our way through the doors and into the lobby. Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. Vivian and the dean were standing at the front desk, talking quietly with one of the receptionists. Vivian looked completely distraught, bunching her red hair up with one hand as she reached out to grab a packet of paper with the other. We slowed our steps as we passed, and she gave us a quick glance, nothing more than acknowledging our presence.

It made sense now, the fact that her room was so messy.

She probably figured that there was no way the RAs would comb through it all, but it probably only made her look more suspicious.

I almost felt… bad for her.


Just before we turned the corner, I watched as she went rifling through the packet of papers, appearing to be signing her name here and there. Then, she took out her student ID, and slid it across the desk.


Somehow, I felt a pit in my stomach.

Sure, these kids had gotten a thrill out of trying to makemylife miserable, no matter what their motivation had been—and yet, returning the favor didn’t calm the anger that I’d bottled up in me for so long. The idea of getting them into trouble was exciting, but once it happened, it didn’t feel enough.

Maybe justice wasn’t enough.

“How’s Tara doing?” I asked Kenny as we got into the elevator. “Did she tell you what happened?”