He stayed silent for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. Believe me, they were.
“You really don’t want to risk getting booted out of here, do you?” he said softly. “Paying a fine, or worse? You and Elliot could go to court for this. Weallcould.”
He was right. Wecouldget into some big shit if someone leaked the video to any school administrators. This was a form of spying to an uncomfortable degree. And Vivian could spin the story all she wanted—that I’d asked Jason to film it, that I was prostituting myself. Who knew how sick her mind was. But I knew for a fact that, all my mom wanted to do was to pull me out of school, just as Elliot’s dad had done with him. I knew my mom, and she didn’t like drama.
Still, I’d told my mom that I wanted to stay. That Ihadto stay.
I told her I’d deal with this on my own.
“Okay,” I said, breathing out a long sigh. “I’ll do everything I can to make sure that my mom and Elliot’s dad keep this a secret.”
I reached out my hand. It was the least I could do to seal this kind of agreement. Hesitantly, as if expecting me to slap him across the face instead, he reached out his hand and shook mine.
“Thanks,” he said. With that, he nodded to Felix and Leo before ducking back into the hallway. I could hear his footsteps as he walked—fast, light, as if he were trying his best not to run away.
I turned back to face the boys just as Elliot returned to lean against the doorframe. I ignored him, but couldn’t help wondering if he’d left my panties lying there on the floor of the bathroom.
“I don’t trust him,” Leo said, speaking for us all. “Why the hell would he come all the way here just to say that?”
“Could’ve been high,” Felix grunted. “Or bored.”
“No,” I said, narrowing my eyes at the floor as I recalled Jason’s expression. “I don’t know what it is, but I think you’re right, Leo. There’s something off. The only thing I can think of is that he didn’t want us to contact the school administration first, because Vivian is going to do it her own way. She’ll spin the story. Make it out to be something that it’s not.”
Felix nodded. “So, what do we do?”
“We get revenge,” Elliot said. I turned around, daring myself to look him in the eye. His gaze locked on mine, and he waited.
“I’m listening,” I said.
He glanced over his shoulder to make sure that no one was eavesdropping before slipping into the room and shutting the door behind him.
“You said you wanted justice,” Elliot continued, his gaze unmoving from mine. “Look. I can’t change what I did to Pierre, and how it affected you. But I can try to change whether or not your roommate gets away with this.”
I didn’t have to nod, or say anything for him to know that I trusted him. He was right. He couldn’t change what had happened to Pierre. But he could try tohelp me get revenge.
They could all try.
Seeming to read my thoughts, all of a sudden, Elliot stepped toward me and put his hand on my waist. I smirked up at him and glanced to my side at Felix and Leo.
“We need something to hold against her,” Elliot continued, starting to pace the small length of the room between Felix and Leo. I couldn’t help but notice how he’d somehow adopted my little mannerism. “We need some sort of dirt on her. Something that we know for sure will get her into trouble. You want her kicked off campus. Is there anything,” he said, pausing his pacing to stare me dead in the eye, “anythingyou know about her that will cause that?”
My mind went blank for about a half a second before I remembered Tara pointing out the bottle of alcohol Vivian had failed to dispose of in our room. Of course, that time I’d smuggled it out to the dumpster for her, but there had to be more where that came from. I also remembered how Tara mentioned room inspections.
The only problem was, it was likely that Vivian wouldn’t be the only one getting in trouble for leaving alcohol in our room. I might get the blame, too.
Maybe it was worth it.
“What’s the worst that can happen if someone’s caught with alcohol or drugs in the dorm?” I asked, looking to Leo.
“What?Drugs?” He blinked at me. “How would I know?”
“I’m asking all of you,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Freeman is doing room checks this week. Probably starts sometime soon. It’s random, so better safe than sorry. I’m thinking we plant some stuff on her side of the room and wait for the authorities to deal with her.”
“So, we’re setting her up,” Elliot said. “The issue is, worst comes to worst, she has to take an online alcohol safety course and gets off easy. Drugs … I don’t know about that.”
He was right. Getting caught drinking in the dorm was old news for most RAs. Knowing the other shit they dealt with on a day to day basis, getting partiers to clean up afterthemselveswas probably the least of their concerns. Find a kid shooting up heroin or selling crack in the dorms? That was a whole other ball game.
Suddenly, I had a bright idea.