Yes, this is exactly what I needed,I think while taking another long swig.Now everything will be much better.
Five hours later and my apartment smells like butter and turkey. Cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and candles litter the table. I sit at the head, leaning back in my chair as I scowl at Rachel hovering above the golden turkey. She’s carving into it and she’s doing a shit job. I’m waiting for someone to go over there and help her, but the bros are busy drinking their shitty beer and their shitty wine. I would go over there and help her, but I’m seeing two of everything and I can’t seem to remain still in my seat. Lucas keeps casting me worried glances and I meet each one with a dark scowl. Maybe I’ve had too much to drink. During those long five hours, I continued making excuses for myself to return to my room and drink more. Now the bottle of rum is almost gone and I’m worried.
I feel angrier than I did before. I hate the way Alex stares at Rachel like she’s his lost princess. I hate the way Seth keeps glancing at Alex when he thinks no one is looking. And I fucking hate that Lucas won’t stop staring at me like I have finally lost it.
And maybe I have lost it. I don’t care. I’m so over pretending to be someone I’m not. I can be an asshole if I want. I’m an NFL star. I have everything I ever wanted and dreamed of. So now I get to drink myself silly and say things people don’t like. That’s what happens when people get rich, right?
“Okay!” Rachel announces while holding up a platter of meat she’s carved from the turkey. “It’s ready!”
“It looks amazing, Rachel,” Alex says like the suck-up he is. I roll my eyes and bite my tongue before saying anything rude.
Rachel beams. “Thank you, Alex.”
I roll my eyes again but stop when I catch a dark look from both Seth and Lucas directed toward me.
“Let me help you with that,” Seth says while rising from his seat. He grabs the platter of meat and the tongs from the counter before stepping to Alex and placing some turkey on his plate.
Of course they decide not to serve me first, even though this is my apartment and that is my turkey that I bought with my money. I grab the bowl of mashed potatoes and heave a huge spoonful onto my plate. I grind my teeth while spooning more, taking more than half the bowl.
“Don’t you think that’s enough, Hunter?” I hear Lucas ask, but I ignore him. These are my potatoes. I bought them. I washed them and peeled them. What did Lucas, Seth, and Alex do? Nothing. They’re a bunch of freeloaders, that’s what they are.
“Hunter—” Rachel calls, her voice sounding whiney.
“Why don’t we put some of this back and you can have a nice turkey leg,” Seth offers with an irritating grin. He grabs the spoon from my fingers easily and places it back into the bowl.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” I mutter while snatching the turkey leg from the platter.
Seth gasps. I must have moved too quickly, or bumped the platter, because suddenly it’s dropping and all the meat goes spilling onto the floor.
“Look what you did, you fucking idiot,” I slur.
“What?” Seth shouts. “Me? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. That was all you.”
I scoff and roll my eyes. “Please. You were the one holding the fucking plate.”
“Why are you being such an asshole?”
“All right, enough!” shouts Rachel while getting in between us. “It doesn’t matter. There’s more turkey.”
“You’re right, there is!” I shove back my chair and stalk toward the counter, nearly tripping over Seth’s chair on my way there.
“Hunter, stop!” Rachel shouts.
“No,” I sneer while grabbing the knife and hacking my way through the meat, having no care about what I’m doing. “It’s my turkey! I can do with it whatever I want.”
“Put the knife down, Hunter,” Lucas says darkly, slowly stepping toward me like a tiger about to pounce. I’d like to see him try.
I continue cutting at the turkey, my eyes stinging with tears. I can hardly see through them. Everything feels so blurry, like the world is at a tilt.
“Stop, Hunter,” Lucas says while slowly reaching around me and grabbing my wrist. “Stop.”
I release the knife and Lucas quickly takes it from me before drawing away. I inhale deeply while looking around the room. My stomach is twisting as nausea fills me. I don’t know if that’s from the alcohol, or that, subconsciously, I am disgusted with myself. Tears are streaming down Rachel’s cheeks. Seth hovers over the mess on the floor. Alex is standing, looking like he’s two seconds from tackling me to the floor.
“What?” I ask, already knowing the answer, but not wanting to face it. Not now. “Why are you all staring at me?”
“You’re drunk, aren’t you?” Rachel sobs, her face flushing as more tears spill from her.