“You’re not going to write an article about me, are you?” I ask nervously.
Amanda smiles back at me. “We’re writing an article about the entire team.”
That definitely doesn’t make me feel any better.
“Don’t worry,” says Charlotte. “You’re doing fine. Unlike Brody over there.” She nods at Brody in the middle of a beer pong game with Jeremy. “But then again, we all know Brody is an ass.”
“Ugh. Especially with the women,” adds Amanda while grabbing a bottle of wine from the table and pouring herself another glass. “I had the unfortunate experience of sleeping with him. The guy doesn’t know where the clit is.”
Evelyn rolls her eyes. “Figures.”
I laugh, unable to stop myself. Adrien pats my back, a smile on his lips as he looks between the women. “Excuse Hunter. He’s used to Brody’s incessant locker talk.”
“Oh my God!” Amanda shouts while looking skyward. “That must be terrible. I feel more sorry for you, and I slept with the asshole.”
“And what about you, Hunter?” Evelyn asks coyly before taking a sip from her lemonade. “Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Evelyn!” Adrien shouts.
“Straight to the point, aren’t you, Evie?” mutters Charlotte.
Amanda bats her eyelashes at me. “Well?”
“Well,” I say with a shrug, “I have a girlfriend back home. In Aurora.”
“Aww, how cute,” says Charlotte.
I wonder how much she’s had to drink given that there’s nothing really cute about being in a relationship. But maybe she’s being nice? Maybe this is a girl thing to say? I shrug and run a hand through my hair, glancing at the cooler of beer lying in the grass near the table.
“Yeah, we’ve been dating for almost two years.”
“Wow, that’s pretty serious,” says Evelyn.
“And how is it working with the long distance?” Amanda asks as she leans toward me, looking more like a reporter than an interested party-attendee. “It must be difficult balancing your career with your love life. What advice would you give your fellow teammates?”
Adrien rolls his eyes. “All right, Amanda, calm down. This is a party after all.”
However, Amanda isn’t backing down. She holds my gaze, staring up at me intently as if she can read me like a book—as if she can see all the troubles Rachel and I have gone through in order to make this relationship work.
“I don’t know if I have any good advice,” I start, “but I guess communication is important. And trust. If you don’t have that, no relationship can really work.”
Amanda smiles as she nods. “I’ll make sure to put that in the article.”
Adrien groans and grabs my arm, tugging me toward the plates and silverware. “Sorry, Hunter. I didn’t think they were going to drill you on your relationship.”
I chuckle while batting his hands away. “That’s quite all right, Adrien. I hope I at least made a good impression.”
“You did!” Evelyn, Amanda, and Charlotte shout in unison before bursting into a fit of giggles.
I shake my head, unable to hold back my smile as I watch the girls talk amongst themselves. Rachel would get along with them. My smile slips as I think of Rachel, far away, hanging out with the other bros, most likely eating pizza and playing Mario Kart. I really wish she were here. This would be easier with her by my side.
“Hey, Hunter!” Brody shouts and I turn, watching him throw the ping-pong between his hands. “Come here and play beer pong with us.”
I shake my head. “No, thanks. I don’t play beer pong.”Anymore,I add in my head, remembering all the beer pong I used to play with Seth and Lucas before I stopped drinking.
Brody rolls his eyes and gives me a look as if I have just told him he catches like shit, something I genuinely wish to tell him. Sometimes I wonder how he became a hotshot NFL player, but then I remind myself that he might not have always been this way. Perhaps deep down there is a real human being residing inside Brody—one that empathizes to others and actually cares about people. It would have to be very deep down, but I’m sure it’s there… somewhere.
“Come the fuck on, Hunter!” Brody shouts. “Live a little. It’s only a game. It’s not like one beer is going to ruin whatever fucking stupid detox you’re going through.”