“Good to know,” Adrien says while turning around.

Brody keeps his mouth shut after that, and I’m thankful for it as I watch Adrien return to his locker next to mine. “Evelyn and I are having a barbecue at our place,” Adrien says, his tone overly cheerful. “You got the invite, right? Are you coming?”

I vaguely remember seeing an invitation on my kitchen table, but I haven’t had the time to go through my letters and actually read them. Not to mention, barbecues have the potential of having booze and I really don’t trust myself these days.

“Yeah,” I say with a nod. “I think I got it. I’m not so sure—”

“You have to come,” Adrien says sternly. “I’ve already told Evelyn all about you and she’s excited to meet the rookie of the year. You can’t say no.”

I clench my jaw, trying very hard to keep a straight face as I look at Adrien. I don’t know whether to laugh or scowl. I hate not having the choice, but it would be good to make friends, and Adrien is someone I can trust. He wouldn’t invite me to something simply to throw me to the wolves. Besides, reporters will be there. I could always use some good PR.

“Okay,” I say, finally giving in. “I’ll come for a bit.”

Adrien beams back at me. “Perfect. Evelyn will be so happy. Just bring whatever you want to share and drink.”

I nod and turn back to my locker, my hands shaking as I feel worry seep into me, my shoulders tensing.What did I just get myself into?

Chapter 11


Thelinewon’tgodown. For every one person I hand a coffee to, at least three more are added to the line going outside the café. It’s absolute madness. I glance at Jason, watching one hand reach for a mug while his other hand pours milk into a cup. His foot simultaneously pushes the trash can’s step, opening the lid so he can throw away the empty carton of milk. Jason hasn’t said a word since my shift began. He’s all focused on his work, moving swiftly, efficiently, as if he already knows what people will order and what materials he will need.

I can’t work like this anymore. My pits are stinky, sweat is dripping down my face, and I haven’t had a sip of water since this morning. We need another barista, but the owner doesn’t want to pay another person. Rachel can only work so many hours since she’s still an undergrad and Jason has gotten into the habit of listening to audio recordings of his grad school lessons while he works. I don’t know how he can possibly study and work at the same time. He must really need the money.

I also need the money, but the pay is too little for the amount of work I have to do during my shift. My hands shake as I swipe a card, handing it back to them before sliding the receipt toward Jason. There are at least five receipts before this one and I can already feel the scowls of customers waiting for their coffee off to the side. Someone please put me out of my misery.

“Hello,” a woman says while stepping forward, a smirk on her bright red lips, her blond hair clipped close, reminding me of a pixie. She’s older, at least in her early thirties, and wearing a tailored black business suit.

A lawyer?I wonder while eyeing the Rolex on her wrist. She pushes her black-rimmed glasses closer to her face while she scrutinizes the menu above me. I try very hard not to tap my fingers in irritation. This woman has had at least ten minutes to figure out what she wants. I grind my teeth as I look out the window, watching two more people step into the long line. Why? Just why? I don’t understand the desperate need for coffee, especially if they have to wait at least ten to twenty minutes in order to get it. We can’t possibly be the only café on campus. There must be a Starbucks or a Costa Coffee around her somewhere.

“Can I get a medium sugar free vanilla soy latte with an extra shot of espresso?”

I force a smile. My eye is twitching as I write the order down. Of course she orders a difficult drink when we have a huge line of customers. How could I possibly think she would be anything but difficult? I inhale deeply, trying to stop the shaking in my hands as I ring up her total. Everyone has their needs. She probably had a rough day and this is the one thing that will turn her lemons into lemonade. Just because I am having a tough day doesn’t mean I can take it out on the customers.

“One medium sugar free vanilla soy latte with an extra shot of espresso coming right up!” I say, my tone overly cheerful. In fact, I sound like I’m about to lose my fucking mind. It must be the smell of coffee or the sugar cookies I cram in my mouth for breakfast. It’s getting to my head. God, I need to get a different job.

“Are you Lucas Brent?” the woman asks while rifling through her bag, taking her sweet time as she grabs her leather wallet. She pauses, looking at me with that smile while she waits for an answer. The guy behind her fidgets, looking like he’s in pain as he waits for her to pay.Me, too, bro,I want to tell him.

“Yes,” I say simply while holding out my hand, but the woman doesn’t make a move to grab her card. Her smile grows and she takes my hand, giving it a firm shake.

“I’m Lori Robinson. I read the poetry book you submitted over a year ago. Pretty good stuff.”

“Oh,” I breathe. I’m tempted to rub my eyes. Has the work gotten to me? Am I imagining things?

“Here,” she says while taking out a business card and pushing it into my hand.

My eyes widen as I look down, seeing the title:Literary Agentat the top.

“I really enjoyed your work. Have you written anything else?”

“I’m waiting here,” the guy behind Lori shouts while stamping his foot.

Lori glances over her shoulder, giving him a dark scowl that makes him shrivel in response. She slowly turns back around and takes out her credit card, handing it to me. “I think you can be the next big hit,” she says while I swipe her card. “Have you ever written about your family?”

“My family?” I ask while giving her card back, my brows pinching together.

I don’t like where this is going. Already I feel my insides churning. The Brent family isn’t famous, but anyone with a smart phone can easily look us up and see that we’re made of money. There’s nothing more than that. The rich sure do gossip, but they know when to keep their mouths closed when it comes to outsiders. I can’t help but think Lori is just someone wanting to stir the pot.