I push the door open and go to Hunter’s side before the server begins shaking him. If Hunter wakes up in one of his moods, he might swat at the poor server.
“Hello,” I say in my most chipper voice. “I see you’ve met my friend.”
The man turns his scowl on me. “This is yours?”
“Yep,” I say with an enthusiastic nod, “and I will be taking him home with me now.” I grab Hunter’s arm to put around my shoulders, but he groans and wrenches away from me.
“No,” Hunter slurs, slowly picking himself up. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks absolutely trashed. “I want another shot.”
“We’re closed,” the server says sternly. “You need to pay.” He smacks the bill onto the table before turning on his heel and walking back to the cash register.
I stifle a groan as I look at the bill. Hunter just had to get the Grey Goose, now, didn’t he? It’s not like he can really taste it, given how drunk he is. I shake my head.Complete and utter waste.
“Hunter,” I say while reaching for his arm again.
Hunter wrenches away from me. “No,” he slurs loudly. “I don’t want to go.”
I sigh and plop my body into the seat across from him. “Why not? We’re all waiting for you back home. Rachel is worried about you.”
Hunter sobs and wipes his eyes. He hides his face from me, but his shoulders are trembling. He definitely has had way too much to drink. I’m glad I’m not him. That hangover is going to be vicious tomorrow morning.
“What’s wrong, Hunter? Talk to me. You won’t feel better until you get whatever it is off your chest.”
Hunter sobs, still not looking at me. His hair is tangled around his face. His clothes look wrinkled. I think he’s even spilled some liquor on his coat.
“I’ve ruined everything,” Hunter croaks.
I frown. “I’m sure you didn’t ruin everything. I’m definitely pissed and we are totally having a very long discussion about this tomorrow.” I place a hand on his shoulder and rub it gently. “But I’m still your friend, Hunter. Through thick and thin.”
Hunter peeks up at me between his fingers. His hands slowly slide away. “It’s not supposed to be this way.”
My frown deepens and I lean closer, wondering if I misheard Hunter. “What do you—”
Hunter shakes his head. “It’s not supposed to be this way,” he says louder, his gaze dropping to his hands. “I’m supposed to be this great NFL star with fans, a great paycheck, and an amazing life. And I do have all that. All that and more.” Hunter grimaces and it looks like he’s about to burst into tears. “But I hate everything around me. I only have one friend, kinda, on the team. I don’t have a support group at all. I’m not in control of anything.”
“Hunter—” I pause, so I can think over my words, knowing I should choose them carefully given the situation. “You slipped up once. That happens. No one is perfect. Maybe you should try to join an AA group. That might—”
Hunter shakes his head. “Someone will find out,” he breathes. “I’m completely and utterly alone in this.” He chokes and I watch as more tears slide down his face. “I feel so lost.”
My hold on his shoulder tightens and I lean forward, saying quietly, “You can feel lost, but let’s get you home. You can sleep this all off and we can deal with it in the morning.”
Hunter is quiet for a moment, as if assessing my words. His eyes swivel to the shot glasses still lingering on the table and the bill in front of him before returning to me.Please, don’t insist on more alcohol,I implore him with my eyes,let’s just go home and get you into bed.
With a sigh, Hunter says, “I don’t have my wallet.”
I make a face while I reach for my wallet in my coat pocket. “I was afraid you would say that.”
I must have forgotten somewhere along the way, between leaving Hunter’s apartment and finding him, that the asshole weighs a good two hundred and fifty pounds. Getting Hunter from the bar to his apartment is not something I ever want to do again. But somehow, I did it.
“Hunter, pick up your feet,” I groan while helping him down the hall. We’re so close. I can nearly taste freedom. I so deserve some turkey after this. Turkey and sex.
“I’m trying,” Hunter slurs. His eyes are closed. He looks like he’s sleeping. The entire way we were walking in diagonals, nearly running into everyone on the street. I had to apologize to at least three ladies on our way here and it’s not like the bar is more than a ten-minute walk away.
“Well, try harder.”