Chapter 13


“Thatfuckingasshole,”Imurmur while staring at my phone, wiping away the tears already streaming down my cheeks.

Hunter and I were supposed to video chat last night. It’s been nearly two weeks since I last saw his face, when he was playing the Broncos. Sure, we’ve texted back and forth and there has been a phone call here and there, but that’s nothing compared to actually seeing his face. And he didn’t even give me a heads-up. All last night, I sat on my bed, staring at the clock, waiting for him to call me. After fifteen minutes passed, I decided to get some homework done. I even messaged him:Hey! Are we still meeting?After two hours, I decided to draw in order to calm myself down and messaged him:Is everything okay? Are you busy tonight?Finally, at one in the morning, I closed my laptop and turned the lights out, deciding he will most likely respond to my messages tomorrow and tell me what happened.

Of course, that’s not what happened. I don’t know why I didn’t call him last night when he missed our date. I don’t know what exactly I was expecting when I woke up this morning. I thought there would at least be one little message, explaining what happened, an apology. Of course, there was nothing and I don’t know whether to be more mad at the fact that he forgot our video chat date, or the fact that he doesn’t seem to care.

And what should I do now? I sniffle, my lips trembling to contain a sob. What should I say? I can’t come off as the angry long-distance girlfriend. That will only make things worse. Who knows what beautiful girls hang around the team. I can’t push him away. But I am oh so very livid. I want to yell at him. I want to punch something. I want him to know he can’t waste my time. I have a life, too. I know he’s all important now that he plays for the NFL and lives in Chicago, but I have things going on.

I could have gone to Lucas’s poetry reading. I could have gotten coffee with Charlie or hung out with Alex and Seth playing video games. I don’t need this stress in my life. I don’t need to feel like I am second or even third.

My thumbs press into my phone, deciding it’s better to send a message rather than call him. It’s easier for me to remain calm and collected. If I hear his voice, I might cry, or yell, or explode into a fit of rage.

Hey!I begin to write.I thought we were video chatting last night? I guess not?I sigh, knowing I’m sounding way too laidback, but what if he got hit by a car? What if he got a concussion during practice?

Or,my more cynical side thinks,What if he was on a date with another girl?

I shove my phone into my purse, knowing that the longer I have it in my hands, the more likely I’m going to text something along the lines of:you’re an asshole.And at this time, it’s better for me to come off as the chill girlfriend rather than the angry one. At least until I get all my facts. And if he doesn’t have a good enough excuse, then there is going to be an explosion so bad, it’ll make Pompeii look like a dream.

I trudge out of my bedroom, pausing for a brief moment and inhaling the spices wafting toward me. Is someone cooking? I thought everyone would be at practice or work by now. I check the time on my watch, reading eight in the morning. Yeah, everyone should be gone by now. I shrug and walk briskly toward the kitchen, finding Seth of all people holding a skillet and a spatula, his face pinched, looking like he’s trying to figure out an intense mathematical equation.

“Good morning,” I call sweetly while dumping my purse on the couch. “Are you making breakfast?”

“Trying to,” Seth says without turning around.

“I thought you had practice?”

Seth shrugs, still not looking at me while sliding the spatula under the egg concoction he’s created. “Coach has a doctor’s appointment. He had to push it back.”

“Is that going to affect your classes?”

Seth chuckles while shaking his head. He glances over his shoulder, a bright gleam in his eye as he looks at me and says, “You think I go to classes?”

I roll my eyes. “Right. My bad. Sorry for being a concerned girlfriend.”

Seth turns off the stove and reaches for the plates, grabbing two. My heart flutters at the way he cuts his egg breakfast into two, handing me a plate, a soft blush on his cheeks. “Would you like some?” he asks softly, not meeting my gaze.

I think this is one of the nicest things Seth has ever done for me. Making breakfast isn’t really his thing. Alex usually makes me breakfast when he has the time, while Lucas and Seth usually stick to their protein bars or protein shakes. Well, that’s if Seth is even eating.

I look down at the half burned mess on my plate. There are enough spices on it to set my intestines on fire. My eyes are already watering. However, Seth made this for me. He’s actually making himself food these days and eating actual meals. There’s no way I can say no.

“Thank you, Seth,” I say while reaching for a fork on the counter. “It looks amazing.”

Seth shrugs, his face flushing an even brighter red traveling all the way to his ears. “It’s just egg whites with some spices and peppers.”

We stand at the counter, eating quietly. I nearly choke on the food as the spices inflame my mouth. I feel like I’m being set on fire from the inside, but I shove another morsel between my lips before setting the plate down. Seth eats his ravenously. How can he eat such spicy food?

“There’s a party at Mike’s place tonight,” Seth says between shovels of food. “You should come alone. Unless”—he looks up at me, making a face before quickly saying—“are you video chatting with Hunter tonight?”

I sigh and lean against the counter, crossing my arms as I think about last night and my missed date with Hunter.He better message me back,I think angrily. “No, I’m not video chatting with Hunter tonight. I’m free.” I grimace at how harsh the words come out, unable to hide my irritation.

There’s a question in Seth’s gaze, one I hope he doesn’t ask. I can see that’s he’s curious as to why I’m so irritated, but instead he thankfully says, “Good. So, we can go together? Unless you have a shitload of home—”

“I have nothing going on tonight,” I say while watching Seth grab my discarded breakfast. I smile while watching him eating, happy to see that he’s no longer allowing his control issues to affect his appetite. “We should go. It’ll be fun to get out for a change.”

Seth places a hand on mine, closing the distance between us. He leans in close and I can smell the spice on his lips, see the love in his gaze as he says softly, “Maybe we can—”