She sets her notebook down and leans against her desk, propping her elbows onto the wooden surface. “How was your diet in Paris?”

My breath halts as I return to that time, remembering all the salads I would make and my grumbling stomach every time Rachel made pasta or Hunter ordered pizza.

“I ate,” I say simply.

“What did you eat?”

“Mostly vegetables,” I say slowly. “And lean meat.”

“Did you ever skip meals?”

“Perhaps,” I whisper.

Dr. Forrester sets down her notebook and pen. “Alright,” she says while rising from her chair. “I can see that this is uncomfortable for you. We don’t have to talk about your diet now. Have you had any other injuries since Paris?”

Yes, I think, but I’m not ready to talk about my fainting in the shower. Instead, I nod my head, hoping she’ll skip over this for now.

“Alright, our time is nearly up, but I would like to see you again, Seth.”

I bristle, my hopes deflating. “So, I’m crazy?” I ask while slowly standing from the couch.

Dr. Forrester shakes her head. “Not at all. Seth. You’re not crazy. What you went through in Paris is completely normal. I would probably do something similar myself if I was in your shoes.”

“O-oh,” I breathe.

Dr. Forrester rips out the paper in her notebook and hands it to me. I see she has written down a small list of goals. I see one of them says: Reduce running to 1.5 hours per day. “This is for you,” she says. “I want you to try to reduce your running just a little bit. Too much cardio can be really damaging to the muscles. If you really find it difficult, try to do yoga for those last thirty minutes.”

I make a face. “Yoga?” I ask, hating how the word tastes on my tongue.

Dr. Forrester chuckles. “Yes, yoga. Do you have anyone who would be willing to do it with you?”

Rachel likes yoga, I recall, my insides warming as I think of her beautiful green eyes and her bright smile. “Yeah. My girlfriend.”

“Perfect. And do you think you can return same time, same day next week?”

I find myself nodding. “Yeah, that would be great.”

Fucking Hunter. Why does he have to be right about these sorts of things? However, I smile as I leave Dr. Forrester’s office, feeling exhausted, but a little lighter than I’ve felt in at least a year.