“No!” I shout. “You can’t go. I walked in on the both of you. You were passed out on the bed and he was taking off his pants.”

Lauren shakes her head, but I can see it in her eyes. She knows it’s true. She just doesn’t want to believe it. “Stop, Rachel. You don’t know what you saw.”

“He did this!” I point to my cheek and Lauren stops, her gaze going to my bruise. Her eyes glimmer with tears and for a moment, I think I have reached it.

That is, until she says, “Josh would never harm anyone.”

I choke back a sob. Why is she stupid? Why would she return to that asshole?

“You don’t know Josh, like I do,” she continues. “He wouldn’t hurt anyone. I think you’re mistaken.”

“She’s not,” Hunter says while sidling close to me.

“So, that means, you saw him hit her?” Lauren asks, holding Hunter’s stare.

Hunter sighs and shakes his head. “No.”

Lauren walks around us, grabbing her heels and shoving them onto her feet. “I have to go,” she says while stepping toward the door.

“What’s going on?” Seth asks, peaking outside his bedroom door.

Lauren pauses, and I’m so grateful for Seth then, for halting Lauren on her way out. Another door opens and Alex exits the room followed by a yawning Lucas. “Please, tell me it’s not as early as I think it is,” Lucas groans.

“Are you leaving?” Alex asks while stepping toward Lauren. “Do you want us to help you get home?”

“Yeah,” I say frantically. “Why don’t we take you home? You can borrow my shoes. I’m sure you don’t want to be walking in heels right now anyway. And I have a sweater you can—”

“Will you just shut it, Rachel,” Lauren says, her fingers massaging her temples. “I’m already in so much trouble with Josh right now. It’s so not funny.”

Lauren inhales deeply and I can tell that she’s struggling to keep herself from crying. Her face is red. Her shoulders are trembling. I want to give her a hug, but I don’t think she’ll let me. She seems so angry, so confused.

“You should have just left me there, Rachel,” she says hoarsely. “Now, I have no clue what’s going to happen. He’s so angry. I don’t know what to do.” Lauren sounds so broken. Her lips are trembling. A lone tears slips down her cheek.

“Lauren—” I start, but Lauren holds out a hand, her palm facing me, stopping me in my tracks.

“Don’t, Rachel. Just leave me alone.”

“Wait,” Seth says as he walks toward me. “What happened to your face, Rachel?”

I grimace. Right. Seth was too drunk last night to notice. He grabs my chin, turning my face from side to side, reminding me of when Hunter saw me in that room, with Lauren passed out on the bed. “Did that fucker do this?” Seth whispers, anger seeping into his gaze, his fingers slipping away from me. “Did he?” Seth turns to Hunter and out of the corner of my eye, I watch his head bob up and down. Seth’s hands fist, his arms shaking with his rage. “And you,” he hisses as he turns to Lauren. “Are you really going back to that asshole? Are you really that fucking stupid?”

“Seth!” Alex shouts, making Seth jerk toward him. Alex shakes his head. “That was really rude.”

“I don’t fucking care!” Seth shouts.

“Please, stay,” says Hunter, moving between Lauren and the door. “You can deal with Josh when you get some food and water in you.”

“Yeah, we can order a pizza,” says Lucas. He grimaces. “But I have work. I can bring by a coffee if you want. Or you can come by the cafe. You don’t have to be alone.”

“Yeah, why don’t you take a moment for yourself,” I say, happy that the bros are looking out for Lauren, that they are willing to help.

Lauren shakes her head as she walks around Hunter. My heart swells, my eyes prickling with tears as I watch her grab the door handle. I can’t believe she’s leaving. I can’t believe she’s going back to him after everything she’s gone through, after everything me and the bros have gone through to ensure she was safe. I’m both sad and pissed as I watch her open that day.

“Goodbye, Rachel,” Lauren whispers before walking out the door, closing it quietly.

A sob escapes me and I run my fingers through my hair, pacing back and forth as I try to think of something, anything to do. This isn’t right. She was nearly raped. And now, she is going back to her manipulative, asshole of a boyfriend, all because of a few missed phone calls and text messages? There must be something more. He must have something he can use against her. He probably says he loves her, probably tells her that he cares only for her, and then he uses that in order to treat her like shit.

But what can I do if she refuses to listen to me?