Somethingisdefinitelywrong with Seth. I can feel it in my bones. He’s acting like he was in Paris: obsessive, agitated, secretive. He’s going get himself injured again if he keeps that up. I’m wondering if Hunter can talk to him. Hunter will need to be careful, though. Seth can be pretty sensitive. Most likely, he will deny he has an issue, but anyone with eyes can see that he has some sort of mental health problem. He’s lost way too much weight. Part of me wants to kidnap him and shove a burger down his throat, but that will only cause more problems.

I sigh while eating my eggs. Originally, I was hoping I could entice Seth into eating something, but the asshole is hard to crack. And these are pretty good eggs, too. I made them with love.

I frown, rolling my eyes when I feel my phone vibrating. Great, just great, I think while taking out my phone, scowling at the caller ID.



When will she take a hint?

I swallow my egg as I answer the call. She’s only going to continue calling if I continue to ignore her. And I’ve had it with this nonsense. They were the ones who kicked me out. Do they not remember that? Why would I want to come back now after all this time of ignoring me?

“Hello,” I say angrily, leaning against the counter and waiting for a reply.

“Lucas? Is that you?”

Who else could it possibly be? “Yes, it’s me. What is it? Why do you keep calling?”

“I just wanted to know how school is going.”

Bullshit. “It’s fine, Mom. I will be graduating this school year if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I-I’m not worried.”

I roll my eyes. Bullshit, again. Everything with her and my dad is about image. Before they had a sweet boy who did everything they told him to do. Well, except go to a school in New York. But I majored in what they chose, most of my classes were what they told me to take, and for a while I was dating girls they approved beforehand.

Now, they have a son they don’t speak to, dating an art student with no connections, and they made a huge scene at the New Year’s Party, which I’m sure everyone is still going on about. They would be devastated to hear that I also dropped out of college. How would they ever be able to show their faces to their friends ever again? Why, they would be the laughing stock of high society.

I shake my head as I roll my eyes, finding myself getting angry all over again.

“Is that it, Mom?” I ask while looking at my fingernails. “I’m kinda busy.”

“Busy? With what?”

I stifle a groan. “With life, Mom.” I push away from the counter and pace back and forth, needing to work off the frustrating pulsing within. “I have a job now, plus school, and figuring out what I’m going to do with the rest of my life. Not to mention, my friends.”

“Are you still dating that girl?”

I scowl at the couch. “What do you mean, ‘that girl,’ Mom? Her name is Rachel.”

“That’s what I meant.”

No, that’s not what you meant. Not at all. “Yes, I’m still dating her.”


I pinch the bridge of my nose. “If that’s all, Mom, then I need to let you go. I have a busy—”

“Come home.”

“Huh?” Did I really hear what I think she said? She wants me to come home. To what? To them ordering me around like I owe them something? Fat chance.

“Come home, Lucas. We really miss you.”

I sigh, hating the ache in my heart. I really wish she was telling me the truth but I know she’s not. I know my parents well enough. This is all about their image. “Mom, I can’t come home. I’m in college. I have a life here.”