“What do you want, Alex?” I ground out while shoving past him.

He doesn’t answer at first, merely watching me as I open my locker and grab my sweat pants to put on over my track shorts. I’ll shower at home. Maybe Rachel will be home and she’ll want to join me. That puts a smile on my face as I sit on the bench under my locker and slide on my shoes. I think she’s been feeling better since we got home. Alex and I obviously apologized to her, and then we cleaned the entire apartment and prepared her dinner. Of course, when I mean prepare, I mean we ordered pizza. Thankfully, it worked and now I’m back in her good graces. Although, I am a bit irritated that she had sex with Lucas and Alex at the New Year’s party and then with Hunter on the airplane.

Maybe she can make it up to me later on today.

“Do you want to get coffee?” I hear Alex finally say.

I glance up at him, unable to hide the disdain on my face. “Now?” I ask, my voice sounding more annoyed than it should. I don’t know why I always have to be mean to him. I guess old habits die hard.

Alex smiles, ignoring my irritated while he straightens away from the lockers. “Yeah. I think Rachel and Lucas are working. Maybe we can get a freebie,” he adds with a shrug.

As much as I loathe Alex’s existence, he does have a point, and free coffee is always the best kind of coffee. I sigh while I stand, throwing my bag over my shoulder before slamming my locker close.

“Fine,” I say, stalking past him toward the doors. “But no talking.”

Alex chuckles. “I can’t promise you that.”

I cringe as I open the door, feeling the wind gust pass and the flurries nip at my nose. As much as I love Colorado in the winter, I also hate it. Snow has always been my enemy. Snow and Ice. I hate how it’s difficult to run, and I always have to watch out for black ice. Once, I broke my arm in high school when I slipped and fell on the pavement. That definitely sucked, but at least my legs weren’t all messed up.

Pulling my jacket closer to me, I stalk through the barely shoveled sidewalk toward the campus’s town. I stuff my hands into my pockets, but it does nothing to keep me warm. Soon, I’ll need to go shopping. I keep putting it off in favor of paying for rent, books, food, or booze. There’s always something that keeps me from buying new clothes, especially winter clothes. I think the last time I bought something to wear was when I got my running shoes.

“You can borrow one of my coats, you know,” says Alex as he sidles close to me.

I narrow my eyes at him. He seriously must be a magician or a wizard. Or maybe I’m easy to read. “No, thanks,” I say bitterly. “I don’t need anything from you.”

“Are you sure? I have plenty.”

“I’m sure.”

I pick up the pace, feeling that pang of jealousy hit me once more. Jealousy and competitiveness. Recently, I feel like everything is a game with Alex. A game that I need to win. If I’m not going to beat him in running, then I will at least be the first one in that coffee shop, or the first one to say hello to Rachel. Thinking of Rachel, I surge forward, excited to see her joy filled green eyes and her beautiful plump lips lifting into a smile.

“Well, I just wanted to let you know, I think you’re doing great.”

I slow my pace. “What?” I breathe, feeling both mortified and irritated. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Alex sighs. He stops walking and crosses his arms, looking how my mother appears when she’s trying to give me advice I refuse to listen to. “I’m trying to compliment you, you asshole.”

I take a step away from him, my hands fisting as a sudden need to punch him in the face hits me. “I don’t need you complimenting me.”

Alex scoffs. “Fine. I just wanted to let you know. I don’t think you should worry about the upcoming meet. The Freshman have nothing on you.”

I laugh bitterly, tossing back my head. I know I’m being a jerk, but I don’t care. “Were you even at training today? I have everything to worry about? I can’t keep up with anyone.”

“For now,” says Alex, taking a step toward me.

My eyes widen. He’s so close. He’s towering above me. His warm breath hitting my face. My body is glued to the pavement. I try to move, try to make space between us, but I feel spellbound by his blue eyes holding my own.

“Just take it slow, Seth. I know you’ll do well at the track meet. You have two whole weeks and you’ve been training like crazy.”

Alex frowns and rests a hand on my shoulder. For once, I feel the anger leaving me as I stare back at him. He’s not looking at me with pity. There’s worry in those eyes, as if he’s worried for me. But why? Why would Alex care about me at all? I’m nothing to him.

“Just promise me you won’t overdo it,” he says finally.

“Why should I promise you anything?”

Alex’s brows tent together. He looks pained as he searches for the words. “I’m worried you’ll injure yourself again, Seth. It was terrible what happened to you in Paris. I would hate to see you suffer through that again.”

His hand slides away and my shoulder immediately misses the warmth of his palm on me. I hear his words repeating in me, reverberating through me. He’s worried? He doesn’t want to see me suffering? I know I should be thankful for his concerns. He’s being a good friend. He’s looking out for me.