Istandinbetween my parents in the middle of our foyer as guest after guest flows into our house. My parents pulled out all the stops this year. Servants holding trays filled with champagne are wading through the crowd, a DJ is blasting music from a rarely used living room, and the place is decorated with gold and black, bordering just slightly on gaudy.

I fidget with my black top hat for the millionth time, wondering if I should toss the stupid thing in the garbage. When I originally bought it, I thought I looked festive, now I just feel like an idiot as I look around the room, finding men at least double if not triple my age wearing the same thing. My frown deepens as I look down at my black suit, my hands smoothing out the few wrinkles I see in my jacket.

Maybe I should go change.

“This girl must be something,” Mom murmurs in my ear.

Dad, standing to the left of me, chuckles. “Obviously. He can’t stop fidgeting.”

“I don’t know why.” Mom reaches for my hat, angling it slightly to the side before going to my bow at my collar and tightening it. “He looks very handsome.”

I roll my eyes. “Will the both of you stop?”

Mom has the audacity to look innocent. “Stop what?”

“Talking about me as if I’m not even here.”

Mom pats my cheek and I stifle the need to sigh in frustration. “Don’t worry, she’ll come.”

“I know she’ll come.”

Still, I find myself rising to my tiptoes and looking over the top of Mom’s head, finding several people entering and handing their coats to servants, but none of them are Rachel, Hunter, Seth, or Lucas. My gaze goes to the grandfather clock resting across from me, seeing that it’s nearly an hour after the party started, and there’s no sign of them.

Are they not coming? I can’t help but ask myself.

Rachel seemed interested when I told her about my parent’s big, yearly event. She even told me in the car she was coming, but maybe something happened within that day we didn’t see each other. I could tell something was up when I dropped her off. She didn’t want to go home. At least, that’s what it seemed like.

I grab my phone and look at the screen, finding no text messages or missed calls.

Maybe she wasn’t interested and was just being nice.

I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but I can’t help but feel a little bit jealous of the other guys. They’ve been with her for so long. They know everything about her. They seem closer to her, whereas me—I’m still new. I still feel like I’m butting into something I shouldn’t be. Maybe it’s just my low self-confidence, or maybe I’m right. I don’t know.

My gaze falls to the floor and I step back, wondering if it’s better I change my clothes. Maybe then I’ll feel better. It was stupid to dress up and look fancy. Especially when Rachel might not even be coming.

“Is that her?” Dad asks while patting my arm.

I turn in the direction he nods to and my heart swells, my back straightens as I see her looking around, dressed in a long beautiful gown with Seth, Hunter, and Lucas swarming around her. She looks absolutely beautiful with her curly, golden locks up. Seth is dressed in black jeans and a wrinkled black collared shirt, whereas Hunter is wearing a clean and ironed button down with blue jeans. My gaze falls on Lucas, finding him wearing jeans and a collared black shirt. It’s weird seeing him at this event without a suit, but I guess all his nice clothes are at his parents’ place.

Without a word to my parents, my feet take me to the group and my hand immediately wraps around Rachel’s waist, pulling her close to me. I’m tempted to kiss her, but I don’t know what the protocol is. Are we dating and the bros are just her friends? Are we simply friends? My parents will know better, given how much I talk about her. When I’m not thinking about running, I’m thinking of her, dreaming of her, wanting her.

Rachel smiles up at me, her hand stroking the side of my face. I lean into her touch, my lips pressing against her palm in a light kiss. Her face flushes in response and my heart stutters. She always looks cute. Whatever she does, she always makes me feel so wonderful, like I should gather her in my arms and twirl her around, or scream at the top of my lungs how much I love her.

“I was beginning to wonder where you were,” I say while forcing myself to release her. Glancing over my shoulder, I see my parents smiling to each other, a knowing look in their gaze.

“Traffic was completely fucked up,” says Seth, his choice of language making me bristle. I’m not used to Seth being in any fancy function, especially one hosted by my parents. I wince, wondering if it was a good idea to invite the bros, knowing how prudish this group of people can be. I guess it’s too late to disinvite them now. Besides, I think while glancing at Lucas, this will be fun. It’s not every day I have friends at my parents big New Year’s Eve party.

“Well, I’m glad you were able to make it. We still have plenty of time before the countdown.”

Rachel groans. “Don’t get us started on that.”

I frown and glance around at the group. “Why?”

Lucas rolls his eyes. “We spent the whole cab ride arguing who gets to kiss who.”

Rachel winces, rubbing her temple with her free hand. “It was such a terrible argument.”