Myeyesflutteropen as I hear some rustling from the floor. I grimace, feeling the sun shine through the window, making it difficult for me to go back to sleep. Pushing my body up, I blink my eyes open and turn my blurry vision to the asshole making all the noise. Of course, I see Seth standing in the middle of the living room, shoving his long legs into a pair of running pants.

Hunter snores below me, his head covered by the sleeping bag. He murmurs something unintelligible in his sleep before rolling over. There’s no way I can go back to sleep with his snoring, so instead, carefully, I move one leg over his body and then the other before standing.

“You’re awake,” Seth whispers, sounding alarmed.

I roll my eyes. “Because you woke me up, asshole.”

Seth shrugs. “Whoops.”

I shake my head before stepping lightly into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water, not caring that I’m naked from the waist up. My gaze goes to the clock on the microwave, reading: 7:00. I inwardly groan. With everything that went on last night, it was difficult for me to get to sleep. I probably only slept about five to six hours. I’ll definitely need a very big coffee.

“Hey!” Seth rasps.

I angle my scowl at him.

“Want to go for a run?”

I look down at my black sweatpants and my thick socks. Honestly, I didn’t really pack anything for running. I had planned on spending every waking moment with Rachel, but after all the green bean casserole, ham, pumpkin pie, and biscuits, my belly is definitely beginning to bloat. I grimace as I pinch the small bit of fat. It’s not much, but enough to make me a bit self-conscious. With a sigh, I give Seth a resolute nod.

“Fine,” I grumble while stumbling out of the kitchen and search for my small suitcase. I know I brought a pair of tennis shoes.

After donning a long-sleeve shirt, tying my sweats tighter, and shoving on my shoes, Seth and I make our way downstairs. As soon as we leave the safety of the complex, a gust of wind whirls past, making my skin prickle and my entire body shiver. I glance over my shoulder at the door, instantly regretting my decision. I should have at least put on a hat.

“Let’s go,” says Seth with way too much energy as he pats my arm.

I barely have time to say anything as he shoots forward, running ahead of me and toward the park across from the complex. I take two steps forward before my feet falter, my gaze landing on a familiar woman standing in the distance, wearing a thick, black fur coat and a matching black hat. Her blue eyes look me up and down. Her blonde hair whips in the wind. A driver stands near her, leaning against a familiar black car—one I used to ride in when I was being dropped off at school. The driver notices my stare and gives me a curt nod.

Great. This is exactly what I needed this early in the morning,I think sarcastically.

Seth notices her, his feet slowing. He glances over his shoulder at me. “Are you coming?”

I shake my head. “You go on ahead. I’ll catch up.”

Seth pulls out his phone from his windbreaker, holding it up as he says, “I’ll call you and see where you are.”

I nod, watching him go for a brief moment. I should go with him. Running would be better than this, but I can’t ignore my mother, especially since she’s standing out in the cold. Who knows how long she’s been here?

I walk toward her, shoving my hands in my pockets while I slowly cross the street. She smiles up at me, yet I can tell it’s forced. There’s no joy in her gaze as she looks at me, but then again, when has she ever looked at me happily? When have I ever brought her any joy? I can’t think of a moment, which only makes me question myself even more as to why I’m giving her the time of day.

Because she’s your mother,I tell myself.

“Good morning, Lucas,” she says easily, as if we haven’t been estranged for several months.

“How did you find me?”

Mom’s smile dips, her shoulders pulling back as she juts her chin forward. “I heard you were in the neighborhood.”

I chuckle bitterly while looking around, wondering if Dad is having me followed by some private investigators. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Great. What do you want?”

Mom frowns. “I thought we could get some coffee together. Perhaps, talk a bit.” I flinch as she strokes my hair. “You really should get a haircut.”

“Can’t really afford a haircut right now, Mom. Besides,” I add with a shrug, “I think I kinda like it long. It’s giving me that whole poor writer vibe that chicks tend to dig.”

Mom’s eyes narrow and she shoves her hands in her pockets. Her feet shuffle back and forth as she sighs. “We only want what’s best for you, Lucas.”

I scoff. “Oh, really? Is that why you’re here, after ignoring me for so long?”