Seth grimaces while Alex shivers, making me chuckle. I guess they’re not big fans of Teeth, although, if I was a guy, I wouldn’t be either. “Bye, Lauren!” I call while stepping out of the apartment.

“Bye,” comes Lauren’s weak response.

Charlie gives me an encouraging nod as the door closes on us. We walk in silence out of the apartment complex, into the cruel and bitter cold. The sun is still high up in the sky. It’s probably around one or two in the afternoon, yet it feels like it should be later. What day is it? Friday? I groan inwardly. I should be in class right now. Seth and Alex should be at practice. I could probably catch my Photography class if I go straight there, but I’m too tired and it’s not like I skip classes all the time. I’ll email the professor when I get home and ask what happened today. I’m sure one day won’t bring down my grades.

“You alright, Rachel?” Alex asks as we walk back home. He keeps glancing at me. He looks worried.

I force a smile and nod. “Just a little tired.”

Seth sidles close to me, leaning into my ear and whispering, “He knows about the whole four-eyes thing.”

I bristle, my eyes widening while I slowly turn toward Alex. He looks sheepish. Obviously, he heard what Seth said. I have no words. I should have told him what happened. I should have known he would eventually find out. I didn’t think it would be this soon, or that it would happen like this.

“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Alex says quickly. “I wasn’t going to ask. I was worried that, maybe, today would have triggered something.” He runs the back of his head, looking away from me awkwardly. “Seriously, we don’t have to talk about it.”

I feel my eyes welling with tears, but I don’t feel sad at all. I take Alex’s hand, lacing my fingers with his and rest my head on his shoulder, enjoying his warmth and the way he just gets me. “Thank you,” I whisper while I take Seth’s hand and pull him with us.

We continue in silence, arm in arm, ignoring curious looks from students passing by. Let them think whatever they want, I’m too exhausted to pretend any longer. When we reach the bottom of our staircase, Alex runs up to unlock the door while Seth shakily grabs the banister. I frown, wanting to ask him if he needs help, but I don’t want to ruin this moment. I don’t want him to push me away.

Seth pauses on the second step and I stop, watching him glance over his shoulder and hold out a hand to me. “Can you help me?” he asks, his voice barely a whisper, his gaze focused on his feet, his face flushed from embarrassment.

I take his hand, holding it tight and Seth leans into me with a groan, his head nuzzling mine. “Thank you,” he whispers.

I want to ask him if he needs a doctor, or if he will be alright, but I bite my tongue. I’ll talk to Lucas and Hunter about it when we’re inside. They’ll know what to do. Alex is holding the door open for us when we finally arrive, and when we enter, I notice the place is silent.

Lucas and Hunter are still gone. Hunter must have had a lot of questions for the scout he was meeting with. Seth winces as he takes off his coat, hanging it onto the rack, yet he somehow misses the hook and, instead, the garment topples onto the ground. I frown while picking it up, feeling a bit worried.

“Do we have anything to eat?” Alex asks while opening the refrigerator, his brows tenting as he frowns at the items inside, or lack thereof. “I guess not. Do you want me to order something?”

I open my mouth, but stop myself when I notice he’s looking at Seth. Seth ignores the question as he dumps his body onto the couch, his head lulling to one side. He waves a hand in answer.

Alex sighs while he slams the refrigerator door close. He stalks toward Seth, his hands on his hips while he stands before his rival. “Are you okay? You look like shit.”

I step toward Alex and Seth, wanting to put myself between them if they start another fight.

Seth shakes his head. “No, I’m just tired. Very tired.” He reaches a hand toward me, seizing my wrist and tugging me toward his lap.

I’m careful as I sit on him, putting most my weight onto the arm of the couch. Alex sits down next to Seth, the worry still marring his face. Seth leans into my touch, his lips brushing against my palm.

“That feels nice,” he whispers.

My face flushes as he grabs my hand, continuing to kiss my palm and then my wrist with those plump lips of his. Now is not the time to have sex, especially given how exhausted Seth looks. However, there’s a hungry look in Seth’s gaze as he stares back at me, holding my arm tenderly, pushing down my sweater and kissing a path toward my elbow.

I turn to Alex, wondering what he makes of this, but he’s leaning close to me, his eyes glossed over with desire. I suppose it has been a while for the three of us. Between classes, track meets, and all the drama, there hasn’t been much couple time. It’s interesting how these two, who are always arguing, seem to enjoy pleasuring me when they’re together. It’s like they can come to a truce, or perhaps, they both just enjoy getting off.

“Rachel? Seth?” Alex whispers, his tongue darting out to look his bottom lip.

Warmth pools in my core, making my insides twitch for that tongue. I shiver, my legs already parting, my mind swirling with what he wishes to say. Seth nuzzles his head against my shoulder, his fingers tugging at my sweater.

“Yes?” I ask when Alex’s gaze dips to my lips.

“Should we go to my room?”

Seth’s teeth graze against my neck and a hiss escapes my lips, making me quiver with need. My head bobs up and down and Alex takes my hand, and then Seth’s and guides us both into his room. He locks it into place, while Seth strips off his shirt immediately. Seth tosses it into the corner before grabbing me hungrily, his hands tugging up my sweater and pulling it off my body.

I’m hardly aware of Alex as Seth captures my lips. He kisses me like a starving man finally given a loaf of bread. His body pushes against mine in waves. His hands caress my naked shoulders, his fingers tugging my bra straps down. He releases me and I hardly catch my breath before my lips are captured again by Alex, who is standing behind me in only his boxers.

I can feel Alex’s arousal pressing against my bottom while Seth undoes my bra. It plops to the ground and I arch my back as Seth takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it tenderly while his hand plays with the other, pinching and pulling. Alex’s tongue slides against mine. His hands tugging down my pants. My legs twitch. The need rising higher and higher as Alex’s fingers brush against my front. He plays with my underwear, tugging at the straps, sliding his hand underneath them. My bottom wiggles against his dick, needing more of him, wanting him to enter me deep inside.