Mystomachistightening in knots as I look at the runners around me, stretching their arms and legs. The gym is alive. The bleachers have been brought out. Family, friends, and enthusiast fill them as I look around. Track really isn’t the biggest sport, so only four bleachers are filled, but it’s enough. I find Rachel sitting with Hunter and Lucas, each holding a sign made with pink and purple paint and glitter. One reads: You Can Do It, Seth! The other: Race Your Heart Out, Alex!

I think I need to puke.

Rachel catches me looking and immediately stands, waving her hands while jumping up and down. I twiddle my fingers in return, wishing I had her enthusiasm. My hands quiver and my insides heave, making me feel even more nervous.

This is my only chance. I need to make it count.

“Don’t worry.”

I wince as Alex rests his arm on my shoulder. I’m tempted to throw it off and tell him to stay the fuck away from me. We never did have that fight. He must have felt pity for me, or maybe it didn’t really matter. Part of me feels guilty that he helped me that night. And all I did was push him away.

Well, what did he expect?

Just because we’re fucking the same girl doesn’t mean we’re friends. He’s not like Lucas and Hunter. If anything, it makes us more rivals than before.

“I’m not worried,” I say when Alex continues staring at me expectantly.

He raises an eyebrow. “You look it.”

“Well, I’m not,” I say while shrugging him away, taking a step back. I need space. It’s hard to breathe. The gym feels stuffy, the air suffocating.

“You’ll do fine.” His head tilts, making me feel like he’s talking down to me, like I’m a young child and he’s the big, supporting brother. Gross. “You’ve been working harder than anyone else on the team.”

Alex obviously doesn’t hear himself, as his words just make me feel worse. The reason why nobody else has been working all that hard, is because they didn’t believe I could catch up. They didn’t believe in me. It’s the reason why most the team ignored me. The reason why most ignored Coach’s advice and went out partying.

They knew their spot was safe.

“Believe in yourself, Seth. Alright?”

I bite back a retort and nod. “Okay.”

Alex smiles as he turns away from me. “Good luck. Although, I know you won’t need it.”

“Yeah,” I breathe, watching him rush toward the line, preparing for sprinting. I watch as someone hands him his number, helping him pin it to his back. Slowly, I trudge toward them.

It’s time.

It’s now or never. After this, I’ll either be continuing with Aurora or packing my bags. I approach the line. My legs wobble as I check myself, running my fingers over the number 13 pinned on my track shirt. I concentrate on my breath, breathing in and out slowly to calm my pounding heart.

“You can do this,” Alex’s words repeat, making my face flush as I turn toward him. He isn’t paying attention. His hands are already on the ground, ready for the horn to blow. I get down into position, my palms planting onto the gym floor. All sound quiets as I focus my attention ahead, awaiting the horn.

I can do this.

A man dressed in a track suit steps forward, standing on the line with the horn raised. He eyes each of us. My legs twitch. I don’t blink, worried the moment I do I will miss it. My muscles tense. My breath halts.

The man looks up as he blows the horn. I kick off, surging forward, my muscles pumping as I run. My heart hammers in my throat as I breathe in the hot air. Sweat drips down my arms. I look to the side, fear making me run faster as I see no one to my right side. I look to my left, finding no one there either.


I’m falling behind.

Move, Garcia!

I grit my teeth. My arms pump harder. My legs move faster, but I don’t think it will be enough. I can’t do this. I’m going to lose. Everything. I should have known I wouldn’t make it. Tears sting my eyes and I shake my head, refusing to give up now. I probably look like an idiot, crying at a track meet, running a race I know I can’t win. I sniffle as the tears stream down my cheeks.

“Come on, Seth!” I hear Rachel shout from the bleachers. “You can do it!”