I shrug. “She doesn’t believe me. Thinks I’m a liar.”

“Why would you lie about this?”

I grimace, my heart twinging as I recall Josh’s and Lauren’s words. No matter how hard I try to not care, I do. I really do. There was one time Lauren and I were like best friends. Even now, I miss her company.

“I think Josh told her some things. Like, I’m upset that he turned me down and now I want to ruin his life. Something like that.”

Lucas scowls. “Now I really want to throw the asshole out. He doesn’t deserve our coffee.”

“Let’s just hope he won’t become a regular.” I run my hand through my hair. “I’m also worried he might do the same to Lauren. I know she hasn’t been the nicest to me, but I don’t want the same thing to happen to her.”

Lucas rests a hand on my shoulder, his eyes filling with concern. “Did you tell her?”

“Yes,” I say, my voice sounding desperate to my ears. “Several times.”

“Then there’s nothing more than you can do. She’s an adult. She’s going to make her own choices.”

My throat tightens and I feel like I’m either going to cry or be sick. “I just hope I’m there to help her if he does try anything.”